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Ezzmode t1_jdvse9e wrote

Thanks for posting this. I'm a few months into my running journey and loving it. I played it safe and got a ~ $150.00 fitbit device, charge 5. It was a good enough introduction into the idea of data tracking, now I'm addicted to all the cool stuff it's been letting me do with my training. This Garmin watch seems like a huge step up. By the time my Birthday rolls around I'll have been running for 6 or so months. Seems like a nice present to myself :)


BigDanglyOnes t1_jdxiool wrote

Smart watches and their data are a huge reason I’m still running after 4 years.


RelativeMolasses4608 t1_je2uudg wrote

just get a 265 it does literally everything even triathlon now, then with the extra money leftover get a stryd footpod and run by power and threshold test based plans. It will change your life! Best out! I mean I could go on for hours about how it will save your life on heavy hill courses and windy days(it takes real-time wind into account) but I'll let you deep dive it on your own. Palladino Power Project google that for a dive from an MD/coach who makes the best Power based running plans out right now. He also has a facebook page that is pretty popular.