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Redditthrowaway10293 t1_jdx7k54 wrote

In all honesty, I know that many people don't sideload apps. But what I don't know is how they manage like that. There's just sooooo many ads. YouTube has minute long ads, ffs sometimes in the middle of the video I think. Games have tons of ads. Just general apps will have ads. Reddit's official app, tons of ads.... Why do people choose that life instead of sideloading better apps and ad blockers???

(rhetorical question, not directed at you)


Genericbuild t1_jdxavrp wrote

I think most people are just used to the ads at this point honestly. Some ads are def worse than others, YouTube ads are for awful, Reddit ads don’t bother me because they don’t impede what I’m doing they are just kinda along the way while i scroll. I don’t play many mobile games so I can’t relate on that part.


bimmerphile_ec t1_jdxxr0g wrote

You can find workarounds for some things. Like using YouTube on safari with an ad blocker, or using Apollo on iOS, which is one of the best Reddit clients. I have an iPhone and an Android, just cause i like playing around with both OSs. Both have their ups and downs.


azlan194 t1_jdzxmgf wrote

Ikr, I use YouTube Vanced for so long that I forgot YouTube has God awful ads. Sometimes when I click a video link in Reddit, it opens the official YouTube app to play the video, and oh my God the unskipable and multiple ads in the beginning, then in the middle, I'm just nope, close that immediately, lol.

I'm glad I have Vanced, just this reason alone, I don't think I can ever use an iOS product.


LurkerKingSloth t1_jdz7qjx wrote

I’m not denying the usefulness of sideload apps, and I’ve considered emulation on my future phone and that may influence me not buying an iPhone next time.

But to answer your (rhetorical haha) question, I use the brave browser and don’t have ads in YouTube through that, and use Apollo for browsing Reddit. The only time I would see an advertisement on my phone is if I decided to play one of those crappy mobile games that throw ads at you (I don’t know if there’s a way to block those, but those type of games aren’t really for me so it’s not super important)


Redditthrowaway10293 t1_jdzut5m wrote

Does brave browser do sponcer block in YouTube as well?

For phone wide ad blocking you can use Adaway or a few others that work similarly. They use the VPN slot to route all traffic through the app which compares sites to a block list and prevents the pings to the DNS server for ads or other things you want to block.

Or you can use a DNS such as NextDNS. This does a similar thing but instead of the block lists being on your phone they're on the DNS server. NextDNS cal block a ton of telemetry and other things as well.

The advantage of Adaway and other similar blockers is they save a good amount of data. But they use a little extra battery. In my experience the extra battery used for the app is more than offset by the battery drain of the pings to ad servers.

I use NextDNS on my home router to block things network wide at home. And I use Adaway on my phone.

I also use Firefox with uBlock Origin and privacy badger.

A fair amount of the everyday apps I use also come from F-Droid.


LurkerKingSloth t1_jdzyaxt wrote

I don’t know what sponcer block is, like when the actual video itself has sponsored ads that the creator reads or something, it blocks them? I don’t think anyone I watch is big enough for sponsors like that so I’m not sure, I’ve never seen it… so maybe?

I’ll definitely check out adaway though, that sounds neat!


Redditthrowaway10293 t1_je0bz0p wrote

You've got the right idea for sponcer block. All of the nord VPN ads within a video, intos to songs that aren't part of the music video, off topic content, self promotion, subscribe please pleas, and whatever else can all be blocked.


birnabear t1_jdzrzll wrote

YouTube premium and google rewards to pay for any apps I want. I just don't install apps that use ads for monetisation unless I can pay to remove them with money I make from Google rewards


MarcusOrlyius t1_jec2bfq wrote

The simpler solution is to use the website instead of the app.