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nullCaput t1_je700x5 wrote

I don't know about that, that is all just speculation. Like I said earlier Apple has been able to do tremendous things with their watches. I could absolutely see them releasing glasses with thicker bands to house the board and battery. Speculating they could put the battery in one band and the board in the other. The screens/viewport is the real, no one knows.

All the recent articles about Apples difficulties could be misdirection so when they do drop their glasses, it has a bigger impact. I don't know though I'm just speculating. You absolutely could be correct.


DarthBuzzard OP t1_je71eid wrote

I'm not usually one to make a definitive stance, but this is one of those times. It's public knowledge given the many devices, patents, and research out in public view. Apple cannot bypass the laws of physics, and there are many physical limitations with AR today even if they've made multiple breakthroughs.

Meta themselves are not going to be ready to release their AR glasses until 2027, assuming the date doesn't slip.


nullCaput t1_je73l2k wrote

>Apple cannot bypass the laws of physics, and there are many physical limitations with AR today even if they've made multiple breakthroughs.

I was gonna say how so, but to be honest I'd agree in some sense. They may be a little short on full AR but much less so with on display glasses that while they aren't fully immersive AR are still moving in the right direction. Which would be in Apples wheel house of release and iterate.


DarthBuzzard OP t1_je73zzg wrote

They could make smartglasses and release them tomorrow, but would that have mass appeal across future generations? It's the same thing as a smartwatch, just on your face.


nullCaput t1_je74vgs wrote

Thats a good point and I'd still argue that yes they would because the end goal is truly immersive AR glasses. I also could see them releasing a "kinda" AR to begin with that would set the products apart.