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Almighty_Dank_Lord t1_irsfcr2 wrote

That or the lock button I know so many people that have accidentally clicked the lock button 5 times or slide the wrong bar turning their phone off and then hearing faintly police in the background I really hope they change it


rickg t1_irsfrj1 wrote

None of that is about Crash Detection, though. That's the SOS system that the iphone has had for years and there's nothing to fix - it's working as intended. If you 'slide the wrong bar' YOU have told the iphone to call emergency services. Same if you clicked the lock button FIVE times.

Crash Detection is supposed to activate when there's severe jostling of the phone. It shouldn't activate on a simple drop, but it might need tuning.


professorDissociate t1_irstv18 wrote

Integration with their maps service is probably a good route to take. Currently, I imagine the scope is set to something like “whenever phone is traveling fast and gets jerked around a lot.”

At the cost of protection while off-roading (lol to that), they could refine the scope by seeing if you’re actually on a road first.


rickg t1_irsz4uo wrote

I think (but am not 100% on this) that they collected a lot of real world data from iPhones and use machine learning to try to figure out what was a crash vs jostling.

I wonder if they DO integrate with Maps. That's a good idea.


Iz-kan-reddit t1_irt43pq wrote

>I think (but am not 100% on this) that they collected a lot of real world data from iPhones and use machine learning to try to figure out what was a crash vs jostling.

They should probably collect a lot of real world data from amusement park rides.


locks_are_paranoid t1_itjx206 wrote

The only system which should call 911 is someone going to the phone app and typing in the numbers 911 then pressing the call button. Any other feature which calls 911 should be eliminated.


rickg t1_itlns6l wrote

You're an idiot. There are plenty of situations where someone needs emergencey services but is unable to do that. Unconscious? Car crash put the phone out of reach? Trapped? Just die, according to you.

Go play with your Android phone, troll.


[deleted] t1_irsg6tt wrote



rickg t1_irshkaj wrote

Or you could watch WTF you're doing. They're clearly labeled and if someone isn't paying attention to which bar is OFF and which is POLICE, that's not on Apple.

For those of you who clearly don't have an iPhone... the power off slider is at the top. The Emergency Call slider is halfway down the screen. You'd have to be beyond careless to swipe the latter when you meant the former.


whir998 t1_irss9n8 wrote

I have to agree with u/rickg on this one. Why listen to what the consumers want? We should be remember to be grateful to Apple Inc (™️, all rights reserved) and change our lifestyles to suit the what the corporation dictates. If tons of users accidentally trigger the SOS feature, it must be their fault, not apple’s, OBVIOUSLY

To quote u/rickg, just “watch WTF you’re doing” ok?


rickg t1_irsyiq5 wrote

Amusing, but come on. It's beyond careless to think you're swiping the power off slider at the top of the screen but to actually swipe the Emergency call button which is HALFWAY DOWN THE FUCKING SCREEN.

You either don't use an iPhone or you're an idiot. What, Tim should come out and hold your hand to make sure you don't swipe the wrong thing?


locks_are_paranoid t1_itjxaq5 wrote

There are two sliders, both of which do very different functions on the exact same screen, so I can fully understand someone making this mistake


rickg t1_itlnheo wrote

Anone is at the top of the screen, the other in the middle of the screen. People need to not be idiots and watch what they do.


4thought66 t1_irso8u8 wrote

The amount of times my phone has almost dialed 911 from being in my pocket urges me to disagree.


rickg t1_irsz8nb wrote

Mine never has. In over a decade. How does yours do this (is it the 5 button press thing?)


Sweaty-Tart-3198 t1_irvs5uh wrote

Yeah there was a news release I saw the other day about the significant increase to abandoned 911 calls from accidental calls from those types of features. This article was from the Guelph Police in Ontario and the police service recommended people disable this feature because of the impact it was having on 911 dispatch.