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oakteaphone t1_irtblc4 wrote

>Like the Reddit app I’m using to type this won’t expand past the last sentence and shrinks even more if I miss click the expand arrows.

I'm willing to bet they didn't understand your feature request... because I'm still confused as to what you mean, lol


rigobueno t1_irtkkvv wrote

I understand what they mean because I’ve also experienced it. The text entry box doesn’t follow the text after it gets to a certain point, it begins to just disappear off screen like right now, after this line I cannot see the text I’m thonbg at this moment


LarryGlue t1_irtnxyw wrote

Yes, the sentence goes behind the keyboard LOL. Drives me crazy.


Duosion t1_irtyf7l wrote

It’s so fucking annoying, I thought I was the only one with this issue. You kind of just keep typing for one more line and pray you didn’t make any mistakes. Once it gets past this next line, it finally expands :/ Or hit edit and it’ll show the entire thing. I hate this bug.


ABoxACardboardBox t1_irvcae9 wrote

But I bet you can see those promoted ads just fine.


rigobueno t1_irw9msy wrote

Of course, those come through crystal clear front and center. Flawless quality.