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FormulaTacoma t1_isbfvp7 wrote

This generation seems so unnecessary. People can barely just walk in and get the 30 series whenever they want. And is there really anything taxing the 30 series yet?


CosmicCreeperz t1_isbi62a wrote

Technology matches on… should they just tell all of their engineers to take a year off? ;)


FormulaTacoma t1_isbie5r wrote

I dunno but if you don’t like the developers catch up with using the horsepower then what’s the point?

Like if Ti cards were coming out this year and 40 series next year would anyone actually care?


CosmicCreeperz t1_isbowod wrote

Probably not. But the reverse is also true. People will buy whatever is the fastest for their price range at the time. I’d be pretty happy to get a 4080 for the same price as a 3080 a few months ago, and not have to upgrade for an extra couple years…

That said I don’t even really want a 4K monitor, let alone have one already. And I have no interest in 200Hz gaming, 120Hz is more than enough for me. I think the truly functional real time ray tracing and high end VR support is the only reason I’d consider it now. But it’s irrelevant for me since I just overpaid for an (MSRP, still) 3080 earlier this year. Oh well.

Honestly though I do get your point - IMO the big problem isn’t necessarily that there is no use for faster cards, it’s that the market is so saturated with SKUs no one can figure out what the fuck they should get any more… I feel like a lot of “last gen” cards are either going to get very cheap and/or lose OEMs a bunch of money…


RaiShado t1_isbilxz wrote

Raytraced games can be taxing. Look at Cyberpunk


FormulaTacoma t1_isbitmr wrote

Yah but like 1 game? Plus is seems like the vast majority are playing e sports games that still run on my rx580. I’m ready to upgrade and it’s so overwhelming now lol


homelessdreamer t1_isbl73k wrote

Do you remember when crysis came out. Building a computer that could run that game became such a cultural phenomenon within the enthusiast community it is still used as a trope today. 1 game is all it takes to keep things rolling.


Numarx t1_isbp5fj wrote

It was much more of a meme than an actual bar that people were competing for. No one said "Can it run Crysis at max settings?". It was pretty much "Can it run Crysis?". My shitty ass computer could run Crysis just fine. Hell a lot of youtubers who run benchmarks still use CS-GO as a benchmark.


imdyingfasterthanyou t1_iscp58p wrote

CS:GO is a great benchmark because there is a lot of data on it and it is largely CPU-bound so it works great to test CPUs or CPU/GPU scaling.


FormulaTacoma t1_isblgsm wrote

Yah but do you hear anyone referring to cyberpunk in that way?


Fugueknight t1_isc9cyd wrote

VR is also a big performance suck. Most native VR games run pretty efficiently, but if you want to play sim games with a VR mode you pretty much need a 3080+ to get decent power for a 4k headset (and 4k is the "minimum" for sim games - obviously people make do with less, but it's tough to read dials/labels/etc. below 4k).


oNOCo t1_isby80g wrote

That’s been most technology for the last few generations haha


FormulaTacoma t1_isbyjhh wrote

Maybe it’s because the 30 series took so long to become generally available. At least with like an iPhone it’s fully on the shelf within a month or two of release