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BudMcLaine t1_isbtskh wrote


xeno-batt t1_isc4nfk wrote

It's ok, I misread the title, I have the Quest, and even if the new one was half price and aimed at consumers I'd avoid it. The technology is there but so is the bulk.


BudMcLaine t1_isc6dhg wrote

With the battery on the back of the strap, the Pro at least seems like it'll be more comfortable despite being a bit heavier. All that weight on the face with Quest 1/2 can get uncomfortable without a counterweight after a while.


what595654 t1_iskrojx wrote

That is actually not true. This is just a premium consumer and business headset. This has been confirmed by Meta themselves.


CptCrabcakes t1_isbvnpq wrote

Lmao, Keep sucking on zuck


BudMcLaine t1_isc22pk wrote

I'm not sucking on anything, just stating facts. People are up in arms about the cost of a device that isn't meant for the average consumer. There's plenty of legitimate shit to be mad at Zuck about, but the cost of an enterprise gizmo ain't it.