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mrgreyeyes t1_ityhm9j wrote

Why do they want your hose to burn down? The power supply connector part should be just simple electronics. With that much power draw you need to design it safely.

The 50xx cards should better be equipped with something like this.


zachsp2 t1_itzfzi8 wrote

I knew it was going to be that connector before I clicked the link.


Rogermcfarley t1_itzld17 wrote

Yeah this connector is a modern disaster. Who tested it as it's one of the worst I've seen in 25+ years of PC building.


COMPUTER1313 OP t1_iu0mbzo wrote

That connector design is the kind of stuff you would find in USB cables that are not compliant with even USB 1.1 specs so they either don't work, or could set your phone on fire.

Or no-brand "500W" PSUs that cost $20.


diacewrb t1_itzsak4 wrote

At this rate we can power our GPUs and recharge electric cars with the same cable.

The new USB standard.


Jackster22 t1_itz54qm wrote

Might need a 32A, that 16A might not be enough


depressedbee t1_iu08dan wrote

>The 50xx cards should better be equipped with something like this.

Doubtful. Leatherman wants 3 pins out of those to make his shoulders look stiff.