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Grimij t1_ivg57xm wrote

Probably at least $1500-2000, and that's really low-balling. I'd say just build your own, either way.

You can build a 1500w 52v 21ah ebike that goes about 35mph with a range of 30-50miles in the realms of ~$500 if you already have a bike. Much more affordable than anything prebuilt, with far greater performance.


_DirtyDog t1_ivg5j3a wrote

Yeah but is a self-build road legal?


General1lol t1_ivgav2y wrote

Depends on your local laws. In my city, bicyclists are treated as vehicles and they require no registration. This includes e-bikes (self built or not). So in my case, “road legal” requirements wouldn’t be an issue for me. For people living in a town, city, or state that has little to no provisions for bicycles on a roadway, this would likely be an issue for them.


[deleted] t1_ivhdauz wrote



FavoritesBot t1_iviho2i wrote

Sure but enforcement on that is going to be nonexistent. If you aren’t speeding they can’t know just from looking that it’s capable of going faster (eg when you take it to the track)

That said I’m a pussy and wouldn’t want to go faster than 35 on an ebike anyway


smatchimo t1_ivhyqlr wrote

the only thing this does is make riding bike paths illegal. you don't want to be pedaling an e-bike with no assist.


mayonaise_plantain t1_ivi5ir0 wrote

It is if you just buy an already road-legal gas scooter and convert it.

Most older 2-cycle mopeds/scooters can be found non-running for like $150, and they'll come with the registration, hi/low beams, horn, etc.

From there, you just gotta be sure your conversion isn't getting too wild since most states now have a provision that states a maximum motor wattage for a scooter to still be a scooter (usually around 1200 watts).

The downside is the effort for the conversion - it's def more involved than a bicycle. And you gotta insure, plate, and register it (very cheap, but still...)

The upside is that you get a legit, road legal e-scooter and for some reason a scooter in traffic going 30 mph is just way more respected than a bicycle going the same speed. It sure "looks the part" if nothing else.


HotOnions t1_iviqppt wrote

I’d be interested in something like this, anything to look for in searching for it?


jibstay77 t1_ivj66me wrote

I’ve been building my own roads for years.


pussyassniguh t1_ivghvvs wrote

What’s this build that you are talking about? 500$ seems way too little for that type of build


illregal t1_ivgs95i wrote

It is, just the battery is close to or over 500


jcv999 t1_ivgyy8y wrote

If you have a soldering iron, and access to a 3d printer, you can build a battery :)


Gradual_Bro t1_ivh9d2e wrote

If you’re smart enough to build a battery you can probably afford a battery lmao


TSMKFail t1_ivibmsg wrote

A battery that would make the Note7 look like the pinnacle of safety


jcv999 t1_ivigbyz wrote

Built it and rode it around just fine :)


racinreaver t1_ivird8g wrote

Everything is 100% safe until it isn't. For a lot of us the risk of a battery fire from a self-assembled system isn't worth the nonpayment of a homeowner's insurance claim (or, honestly, even worse, damaging a rental, apartment building, or employer's property).


Idiot_Savant_Tinker t1_ivg5qd7 wrote

I messed around with motorized bikes using ICE engines back in the late 2000's, always wanted to do an electric one... but the prices of batteries and speed controls always put it out of sight. Are batteries that much cheaper now?


Priff t1_ivgnpk5 wrote

Batteries are definitely cheaper now.

But also, you can scavenge a lot of the parts from stuff like broken electric scooters. They go for practically nothing on Facebook marketplace.

I'm considering buying a couple and putting the parts from them into a power wheels toy car. For the lulz.


Idiot_Savant_Tinker t1_ivgtqvi wrote

I have a big brushless DC motor from an electric lawnmower that is begging to be put on something. I've got the controller figured out, but then I look online and see people building these battery packs by spot welding tons of cells together that they've taken out of discarded laptops or whatever, and I just lose motivation.


Priff t1_ivgv3vj wrote

You can take a battery pack from one of those kickbike scooters, they're usually 40v.

Another option is ordering a battery pack, lifepo packs come in loads of sizes with built in bms and everything pretty cheap.


RaydelRay t1_ivh7oe5 wrote

How well would 2 Dewalt 60v 6Ah work? $200 for 2 on sale.


[deleted] t1_ivhe4vu wrote



i7-4790Que t1_ivizsyl wrote

Can get 180Wh worth of Dewalt batteries (+ charger) for under $100 right now at Home Depot with Holiday promos. The 6 Ah XR in that bundle would have a far superior Samsung 30T 21700. 10 per pack. 5S2P config.

There's also value in utility. Especially if you are invested into a decent power tool platform. (Milwaukee, Dewalt, Makita) Your money goes further if you have a bunch of devices that can share the same battery. I run as much stuff as I can off 5.0 Ah Makita packs I basically paid no more than $7/Ah on. (Buy sales, batteries get super cheap)

Wouldn't exactly call used Eve cells that you might have to rebuild sooner rather than later a good value long term. They have a paltry 7.65A rated cell with comparatively low capacity, probably closer to 2-2.2 Ah since its a refurb/used 18650 from a 3rd rate manufacturer.

Samsung 30Ts blow that Eve crap out of the water. 35A cell, up to 70A @ 18V in 5S2P.


Idiot_Savant_Tinker t1_ivhespj wrote

Where I live there's some company like bird or lime that has a bunch of scooters. Sometimes I see them broken and thrown in the ditch, maybe they have a battery I can use...


_Rand_ t1_ivi5jbv wrote

There is a guy around here who drives a ICE bike around, its pretty neat actually.

There is also a kid who drives an electric lawn chair around.


N3rdProbl3ms t1_ivgc4vw wrote

A lot of things are affordable if we do it ourselves.

Some people just prefer to leave it up to the professionals ::shrug::


Parlorshark t1_ivjnd4n wrote

Yes, that’s correct. I have a family and a job and a house, and 0 time or interest left for tinkering on a bicycle. My time is more valuable to me.


N3rdProbl3ms t1_ivjp1n1 wrote

Exactly. It makes me think of those 3 min craft montages of "look what you can make without having to go to the store and buying it! Sooo easy!".

Nah. I'm ordering it for in-store pickup, swooping it, and calling it a day


lmp9002002 t1_ivgh9sd wrote

Are there guides somewhere for this sort of thing? Was going to google but that sounds pretty specific. This sounds incredible compared to typical ebike prices.


OuidOuigi t1_ivh0v8t wrote

Johnny Nerd Out on YouTube is a start for understanding different types of motors and features.


HahaFreeSpeech t1_ivgsq2e wrote

Sounds too specific to Google? Did you try something crazy like “Build Electric Bike” or “How to build an Electronic Bike”? It’s just so wacky that it might actually work.


lmp9002002 t1_ivh4cgw wrote

How about "1500w 52v 21ah ebike that goes about 35mph with a range of 30-50miles in the realms of ~$500 if you already have a bike"? He was very specific so i thought it was worth asking.

You're not helping.


HahaFreeSpeech t1_ivi0cvq wrote

Cool, maybe the guy below will build it for you too, because if you can’t even Google to find the Information, I doubt you’re qualified to build it.


A10110101Z t1_ivgjkhm wrote

Can you hook it up with a link to a video or blog about building one?


Blyatt-Man t1_ivhbyd0 wrote

Look at the Emmo monster. That’s what I use for Uber eats. Looks exactly like the Honda ruckus I have an 84v 50 AH battery for it, top speed 55kmh range over 100km paid about 8k for it but it’s paying itself off doing gas free deliveries.