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lmp9002002 t1_ivgh9sd wrote

Are there guides somewhere for this sort of thing? Was going to google but that sounds pretty specific. This sounds incredible compared to typical ebike prices.


OuidOuigi t1_ivh0v8t wrote

Johnny Nerd Out on YouTube is a start for understanding different types of motors and features.


HahaFreeSpeech t1_ivgsq2e wrote

Sounds too specific to Google? Did you try something crazy like “Build Electric Bike” or “How to build an Electronic Bike”? It’s just so wacky that it might actually work.


lmp9002002 t1_ivh4cgw wrote

How about "1500w 52v 21ah ebike that goes about 35mph with a range of 30-50miles in the realms of ~$500 if you already have a bike"? He was very specific so i thought it was worth asking.

You're not helping.


HahaFreeSpeech t1_ivi0cvq wrote

Cool, maybe the guy below will build it for you too, because if you can’t even Google to find the Information, I doubt you’re qualified to build it.
