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UniqueAwareness691 t1_ivni8a2 wrote

If you’re just playing video games, stop buying a new card every 1-2 years. The higher end cards should last you 3-4 years.


koko949 t1_ivns9az wrote

My 1080ti is still chugging along. But considering one of them new AMD cards in the nearish future.


Wsbgodd t1_ivoelgq wrote

Same bro 1080 not the ti but just 1080 and running new games in ultra with 0 problems..


silqii t1_ivopnrn wrote

Hey, the 1080 is still the king of 1080p gaming


Thorus08 t1_ivoy1iy wrote

Same. 4790k and a 1080ti. Currently planning on a new build and so far leaning amd on the GPU. Waiting for real world benchmarks to make that decision.


Stiryx t1_ivrugm0 wrote

I upgraded from a 1080ti to a 3070ti because it cost me less than $200 after I sold my old card.

Ray tracing is really nice but the performance leap is actually kinda disappointing, 50% or so. Not life changing that’s for sure.


arehexes t1_ivp1el4 wrote

My 1080Ti is still going strong after like 5 or 6 years. I'm not really looking into upgrading for another 3 years. My CPU needed a updated before the gpu lol.


jlreyess t1_ivp9pw2 wrote

If you have a 1080p monitor, it makes sense.


arehexes t1_ivperk5 wrote

Been using it with my 4k monitor with no issue. The one time a game didn't run right was Elden Ring which was why I decided to upgrade my CPU.


jlreyess t1_ivphy20 wrote

Oh sorry. I meant anything over 1080p resolution. Of course it will run in any monitor. I rocked my 1080ti until last year when I couldn’t run games at 1440p good enough ( I have one 1440p and one 4k monitor). It was just just not good enough for newer games at 2k.


alc4pwned t1_ivpyzel wrote

You're playing at pretty low frames if you're doing AAA games at 4k on a 1080 ti.


Samadhi333 t1_ivnnqdr wrote

Laughing (crying?) In MSI 1060 6 GB.


TazDingoh t1_ivns22c wrote

Don't cry, I'm over here with a 4k monitor and a gtx 970 haha


DePasse t1_ivntgbv wrote

270X that needs to support an ultrawide... only old games working full screen here :/


MaliqGotTheHeat t1_ivokdgk wrote

Thats me except with a gtx 660 lol. Was able to get a 4090 yesterday tho


karroq t1_ivoo5v7 wrote

Man, and I thought my jump from a 770 to a 3080ti was big.


TazDingoh t1_ivoohpa wrote

You got your money's worth out of the 660 anyway 😂


MisterBungle t1_ivohxnm wrote

I’m using a 1060 as well, and I feel patient enough to wait until next year. Most games aren’t v resource intensive, and my backlog of older games is massive.


GoT43894389 t1_ivnuzob wrote

I'm still on my RTX 2070 from 2019.


Lord_Nivloc t1_ivop837 wrote

2060 - the laptop’s battery has died, the headphone jack doesn’t work, the power cord is frayed, the screen casing near the hinge has cracked

But I have no complaints with the graphics card.


VaicoIgi t1_ivorcoq wrote

What kind of laptop was that omg/did you abuse it? XD


Lord_Nivloc t1_ivqw6i3 wrote

Lenovo Legion Y540.

It's about three years old. Battery still works, just only lasts about 20 minutes when not plugged in.

The cracked screen casing is from when I dropped it a short distance -- no damage to the screen itself.


CreatorOfHate t1_ivnrpta wrote

Even more if you don't rage about every single fps. I just upgraded after 7 years from rx480 8gb (still able to run games like RE:8 in playable quality) to 3080ti and i don't plan touching that setup for next 5 at least


The_Retro_Bandit t1_ivobo90 wrote

More than that honestly. I was rocking a 1070 literally till this year when a friend offered to trade for his 3070 plus 300 cause he thought it was overkill for overwatch and needed some pocket money. If you have 8 gigs of vram you can still run basically anything these days as long as you are willing to lower settings. An RX 480 can fit that criteria


Erundil420 t1_ivo2p1h wrote

If you managed to get a 3080/3080ti then you can get way more years out of that card than 3/4 unless you're playing some heavy VR stuff, games demands have not gone up significantly like they used to, you only need the new cards if you are one of those "all ultra 8K 240hz" type of gamers or if you stream/play heavy VR games i guess


se7ensquared t1_ivolch3 wrote

>you only need the new cards if you are one of those "all ultra 8K 240hz" type of gamers

Sigh... Grabs wallet


alc4pwned t1_ivpx9ya wrote

Games' demands have gone up a lot with ray tracing.

Also the displays that can make use of this power are very much worth using, just saying.


Dracekidjr t1_ivom0x2 wrote

Absolutely. I'm using a 5700xt and it still preforms perfectly, even though it's now 2 generations behind. I don't think I'll need to upgrade for another generation.


PicnicBasketPirate t1_ivoqyhj wrote

Just replaced my r9 290x. It was still tearing up 1080p, but struggling with 1440p and VR.


justthisones t1_ivo64jb wrote

It’s crazy that this and for example not having to upgrade your phone every year has to be even mentioned. These companies have managed to create such a huge FOMO to some people that they can’t live without having the newest thing every second of their life.


gecko090 t1_ivooxu7 wrote

My 1660 is going great! There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


PlaneCandy t1_ivoysj1 wrote

The 1660 and it's variants (Ti, Super) are some of the most popular graphics cards around, far more than 3080s. My wife's rig has one too.


gecko090 t1_ivozt6c wrote

I guess it only seems niche because I never see people mention it.


bisqquit t1_ivnwdyq wrote

People can spend money however they choose.
