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MattLogi t1_iwga7wo wrote

What’s it power draw? Isn’t something like 30000 kWh only like $3000 a month? Which sure isn’t cheap but if you’re buying these super computers, I feel like $3000 is a drop in the bucket for them

Edit: yup, made a huge mistake in calculation. Much much larger number


Catlover419-20 t1_iwgfacd wrote

Nono, that means 30000kWh is for 1h of operation. For one month of 24/7 at 30 days you‘d need 21.600.000 kWh or 21.600 mWh, or 2.741.040€ at 12,69ct/kWh. So $2.75M if Im correct


MattLogi t1_iwguqiu wrote

Yeah I messed up! I was think W as I do the calculation a lot with my computers at home so I always divide by 1000 to get kWh. Like you said this is 30000kWh! Oof yeah that’s a big bill.


Contortionietzsche t1_iwgark3 wrote

True. Frontier is for the US department of energy right? The company that bought the E10K probably was not. AFAIK the E10K requires a 100 amp power line and back in those days (late 90’s) I don’t think performance per watt was a thing they worried about, could be wrong though.


Dodgy_Past t1_iwgrgw5 wrote

I was selling sun servers back then and customers never considered power consumption.


Diabotek t1_iwgf8be wrote

Lol, not even close. 30,000 kW * 720 hours * kW price.


MattLogi t1_iwguf3a wrote

Oooo yeah I did a major mistake in calculation. I’m so used to calculating W with home computers and dividing by 1000 to get my KWH…this is 30000KwH! Ooooof! Yeah that’s a huge bill. Makes a lot more sense now lol


Diabotek t1_iwh5jxx wrote

Yeah 30000kW is an insanely massive number. The amount of power required to run that for an hour, could power my stack for 7 years.