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iampuh t1_iwvtndn wrote

Waiting for the first American to bash this because they have to change from lightning to USB -C...


amishbill t1_iwwhymt wrote

Oh hell - I'm specifically waiting till the iPhone family is all USB-C to get a new one!


74656638 t1_iwwr4b3 wrote

I love the USB-C on the new iPad. I hope it will make its appearance on the iPhone soon!


ackillesBAC t1_iwvx2s9 wrote

Once they try it for a year and find thier usbc cable only broke once vs 4 times for a lightning cable, not to mention your lightning cable contacts corroding and having to wiggle and wobble the dam thing to get it to change


Artanthos t1_iwwodm8 wrote

I’ve had the same lighting cables for better than five years.

All this change will do is force me to buy new cables when I eventually upgrade my existing phone and iPad.


Honest_Statement1021 t1_ix024hm wrote

I don’t know why so many people are celebrating law makers (who know nothing about tech mind you) making laws ultimately detrimental to technology

Perhaps it’s because they also know nothing about the tech industry


ackillesBAC t1_ix02mj0 wrote

That's a pretty generalized statement. I'm sure there have been laws that helped innovation. Such as the right to know, or the right to be forgotten


Honest_Statement1021 t1_ix03f6r wrote

The right to be forgotten isn’t actually a law and I am equally opposed to something like that being a LAW. It’s almost like unpublishing a book using the law. Also I don’t know what world self enforced, retroactive, censorship is an innovation.

As for the right to know that pertains to public health and safety, not consumer convenience.


ackillesBAC t1_ix04xyv wrote

What's your opinion on copyright laws, and patents?


Honest_Statement1021 t1_ix08c22 wrote

Most patent laws make sense to me, as a way to receive fair compensation for a invention for a significant amount of time. As an engineer this is very logical to me, mechanism achieves x by doing y.

Copyright has always been a bit funny to me especially when it comes to things like color collections and music/sampling. I feel like a lot of rulings really break down to previous cases and public perception. Also it’s protected for what really seems way to long of a time. I don’t know much about copyright law to be honest but when compared to patent law it comes off as random especially if you subscribe to the idea of all creative ideas being derivative of the past e.g. “nothing is truly unique.” and if you start to argue about the idea of inherit “value” in the arts as opposed to using the arts to make value like a concert or show.


ackillesBAC t1_ix0d10d wrote

I'm conflicted on patent laws. They do encourage innovation but also can stifle innovation. Look at placed like china that have little to no patent laws. Things innovate very fast there, but the quality tends to be low, they basically operate on the open source software example.

The dark side of patent law is every one seams to know someone who had a industry changing invention that was bought and squashed, likely much of that is myth tho.


Honest_Statement1021 t1_ix08sit wrote

I also don’t mean to come off as a fuck the government type of person all the way, it just kinda rubbed me the wrong way a lot of the usb-c stuff was being discussed. It seemed to be a witch hunt against propietary technology that without a doubt was innovative when it debuted. I get a bit concerned that it may stifle technological pursuits in the future in fear of the law.


ackillesBAC t1_ix0dhnc wrote

lighting is var inferior to usb c in every way, low power, lower speed, lower quality. USBc was developed by a conglomerate including apple.


Honest_Statement1021 t1_ix0e35v wrote

Undeniably the standard was was developed years after lightning was already on devices. Also afaik they’re only enforcing the type-c form factor not the usb-c standard.


Artanthos t1_ix7q425 wrote

And Apple is implementing the Thunderbolt standard, which means all the extras that USB-C has listed as optional will be fully supported.


Honest_Statement1021 t1_ix8waka wrote

Which is cool and all but what did we benefit from using legislature to make Apple do this. The biggest argument is this idea of e-waste reduction because less cords but they fail to acknowledge that every manufacturer is just going to put new USB-C cables with every new device, and the customer convenience one just seems like such a forced argument. Like “sometimes people forget their chargers at home we should make a law so they’ll always have a charger!”


nerevisigoth t1_ixdfzww wrote

You think things like GDPR have helped innovation? I guess it spurred a whole new generation of "agree to cookies" nuisance pop-ups.


ackillesBAC t1_ixedzyg wrote

That's the stuff consumers can see, corporations had to do quite a lot of work on the back end to ensure a user can be deleted.


nerevisigoth t1_ixeiati wrote

Yeah, it's a core part of my job. But it's not innovation, it's busywork. Millions of hours of engineering could have gone to something useful, and instead they've been squandered on regulatory compliance. But of course the big companies don't mind, because the endless layers of bureaucracy keep nimble startups from challenging their market position.


bengringo2 t1_iwxaqv8 wrote

Apparently you’re not allowed to voice a frustration.


BrassMankey t1_ixwtwqw wrote

Why would anyone from any country be opposed to the USB-C mandate?