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15acf4d3 t1_ixjidls wrote

I don't know the true purpose of these request body and the API calls.

No one does except who actually implemented these API calls and who handles the data inside Apple.

Just simply having some kind of user ID in API calls doesn't say anything. If you are using any service that has user account, this happens all the time. Your posts, comments, profile picture on Reddit is associated with some kind of user id. Without user id, how can Reddit remembers your posts, comments?

It's same for App Store. The apps you bought, you subscribed etc is associated with user id.

Having user id in the API calls doesn't mean a service is tracking and analyzing your behavior. That is totally different story that this article and the tweets from two dudes has not proved anything


xXTheBigBearXx t1_ixjiykp wrote

You didn't answer my question..

Did they not tweet an image of some Analytics data, which contains the dsId?


15acf4d3 t1_ixjj7w0 wrote

They claimed it's from "analytics data" But what they actually did is just look at the request body of API calls (probably using something like WireShark)

That's completely different things