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FallofftheMap t1_iy37luh wrote

Think forward. Speakers complicate aerodynamics, sound proofing, and add weight where you do not want weight. Cars are just drones that don’t know how to fly yet. We’ll all want to be wrapped in the most aerodynamic space and weight conscious vehicles possible, because it’s going to be a balance between comfort, range, and economics.


LilMoWithTheGimpyLeg t1_iy3984o wrote

> Speakers complicate aerodynamics

They're inside the car.


alt4614 t1_iy3dw77 wrote

He elaborated that he’s thinking ahead, thinking abstract. That the end goal is always space and weight saving. Space saved on the inside will translate to design on the outside. And he’s not wrong.

There’s a reason your laptop uses coin sized fans and speakers


shouldbebabysitting t1_iy3fy1x wrote

Except speakers are smaller than the empty space already required to exist in cars.

You have to have front crumple zones and side windows that go up and down. That leaves empty space which is filled by speakers. Switching to a smaller speaker doesn't change the space required for a door window. (Because the door window doesn't and can't fill the entire door frame when lowered.)

The front crumple zones leaves space under the windshield in the dashboard. This is unused space that can't be filled with anything massive. But speakers are mostly thin metal and paper. So they can go into crumple zones where nothing else can.

A smaller speaker means more empty space inside the frame. It can't save space.


SMPhil t1_iy3ieyp wrote

No, no, think ahead! No windows, no crumple space, no cars! Imagine how much space you'd save if the car just didn't exist!


jimbob320 t1_iy479f3 wrote

That's true actually, cars are a bad use of public space. LG has just invented mass transit?


alt4614 t1_iy3jb1m wrote

>Except speakers are smaller than the empty space already required to exist in cars.

OP was referring to abstract concept of “vehicles as drones”, the future….and you continue to reference the engineering requirements and crumple zones in your 2022 Toyota.


timg528 t1_iy38aro wrote

Weight is the only valid argument here, and even then you're talking a miniscule fraction of the total vehicle's weight. As long as crumple zones are mandated, there will always be room for speakers (think between the outer and inner panels of doors. Soundproofing is more for road/vehicle noise and will tend to be on the outer panel of any body section.


FallofftheMap t1_iy38oym wrote

I couldn’t disagree more. Weight and space required for things like speakers complicate an engineer’s job, requiring compromises. Crumple zones require empty space to crumple. They don’t work properly if they smash a speaker into your kneecap. There are huge advantages to minimizing the space required by the most space wasteful components of vehicles, and speakers are obvious low hanging fruit.


timg528 t1_iy3a7bs wrote

A speaker is an insignificant intrusion into a crumple zone and no engineer cares about a speaker going into your knee. Speakers themselves are already pretty thin to the point where if it's going to happen, you've got larger issues based on the fact that a 6.5" speaker is around 2.5" deep, held together by paper, and weighs around 2lb.

As for weight, these will save at most 35lbs (assuming a heavy set of speakers at 50lbs total and the fact that these are only 70% lighter) on a 2000-6000lb vehicle.

If anything, these would get put into flat panel TVs, but a car? There's too much dead space behind nearly every panel to justify it.

Finally, keep in mind, we've had flat panel speakers for decades, and this isn't the first article to proclaim their use in cars.


Allidoischill420 t1_iy3kgpz wrote

So are these speakers 35 or 2 pounds? Lol holy about shit what a range


timg528 t1_iy3ls8i wrote

Well, the key word in my post was *set* as in multiple speakers.

I also assumed a large *set* of speakers and assumed a heavier than average speaker to show that the weight savings, even at the high end, is insignificant in terms of total vehicle weight.


Allidoischill420 t1_iy47fvg wrote

Nice math. It really works in your favor


timg528 t1_iy4a8hy wrote

No, it works in their favor.

But I am curious how you think it works in mine, please explain


Allidoischill420 t1_iy6qaxa wrote

You're arguing points that relate to the size of the speakers while disregarding the same points to contradict yourself


timg528 t1_iy6rn5k wrote

Want to be more specific?


Allidoischill420 t1_iy8dzbz wrote

About which part? Lol you can read right?


timg528 t1_iy8epam wrote

Yes, but your first message indicated you have issues with reading, which is why I want to know what specific statement you are misreading this time.

My overall point was that if you were to replace 50lbs of traditional speakers with these new flat ones, you'd only save 35lbs, which is miniscule compared to the overall vehicle weight.

If you assume 20lbs of speakers replaced, it's even less weight saved.


Allidoischill420 t1_iybgeds wrote

Think forward. Speakers complicate aerodynamics, sound proofing, and add weight where you do not want weight. Cars are just drones that don’t know how to fly yet. We’ll all want to be wrapped in the most aerodynamic space and weight conscious vehicles possible, because it’s going to be a balance between comfort, range, and economics.

Weight is the only valid argument here, and even then you're talking a miniscule fraction of the total vehicle's weight. As long as crumple zones are mandated, there will always be room for speakers (think between the outer and inner panels of doors. Soundproofing is more for road/vehicle noise and will tend to be on the outer panel of any body section.

I couldn’t disagree more. Weight and space required for things like speakers complicate an engineer’s job, requiring compromises. Crumple zones require empty space to crumple. They don’t work properly if they smash a speaker into your kneecap. There are huge advantages to minimizing the space required by the most space wasteful components of vehicles, and speakers are obvious low hanging fruit

A speaker is an insignificant intrusion into a crumple zone and no engineer cares about a speaker going into your knee. Speakers themselves are already pretty thin to the point where if it's going to happen, you've got larger issues based on the fact that a 6.5" speaker is around 2.5" deep, held together by paper, and weighs around 2lb.

As for weight, these will save at most 35lbs (assuming a heavy set of speakers at 50lbs total and the fact that these are only 70% lighter) on a 2000-6000lb vehicle.

If anything, these would get put into flat panel TVs, but a car? There's too much dead space behind nearly every panel to justify it.

Finally, keep in mind, we've had flat panel speakers for decades, and this isn't the first article to proclaim their use in cars.

Like I needed to waste my time doing this.


timg528 t1_iyccke8 wrote

Wait, so you took both sides of the conversation and attributed them both to me?


Verying t1_iy3hibq wrote

We are not all interested in aerodynamics.

Myself, for example, just wants a ride. Made a crazy sudden move and had to give my truck away. I miss you, you mud covered red farm dumpster
