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BrianRostro t1_iy3872v wrote

They already have this technology out there but im also curious to know specifically what LG can do with it. Just like Sony, these guys can work wonders with hardware


caiusto t1_iy3ah8x wrote

I think Sony has a system of speakers that do something similar, they're capable of making surround audio and you feel like there's Audio coming from behind even when there's no speaker behind you, it's kinda crazy.


Thathappenedearlier t1_iy3i2w8 wrote

They do they also have the ht-a9 system which you can place 4 speakers at any height and any spacing as long as they have a general 4 corner layout and they calculate how to make sound and they call it a virtual 12 speakers


luckyfucker13 t1_iy57oev wrote

I’ll have to dig into this, out of pure curiosity. “Hearing” a phantom center speaker is a real thing in music, and is part of how soundbars get their stereo image, but I’d like to know how they’re processing the audio to create such a wide spread. Pretty cool stuff!


Tricamtech t1_iy6zvhz wrote

It’s all time and phase based, in addition to multiple drivers that are individually controllable.

If you are interested in it - look into Klang in-ear monitoring; it’s designed for live music but can be used for all kinds of things.


HeavyLogix t1_iy5mqlj wrote

I’m not going to dig into it for Sony but will add that phase usually does this. If you have one speaker in phase and one out of phase on the opposite side the sound “comes from everywhere” which is undesirable when it comes to setting a front sound stage.

I’d imagine if you those Sony units use multiple drivers that could switch phase live by driver it could use it in cool ways.

Totally bullshitting here though


BrewKazma t1_iy3pemw wrote

They have that on ps5. It is software based. It can make any soundbar sound like it has speakers behind you.


Bacalacon t1_iy4250r wrote

PS5 3D audio is quite an improvement but I honestly never felt sound coming from behind, just mostly from the sides


BrewKazma t1_iy44qiy wrote

On mine it seems to come from everywhere. Its kind of off-putting .


Bacalacon t1_iy4lbam wrote

Man I wish that happened with my soundbar. On headphones it's glorious tho.


trapezoidalfractal t1_iy5lgc2 wrote

The worst is when a game has really high quality chatter as ambient noise. So many times I’ve taken off my headphones and looked around because I swore I could hear someone right behind me.


DoomBot5 t1_iy5ou4l wrote

Usually that's the results of room acoustics. Software can't fix everything.


BrewKazma t1_iy5w4cq wrote

I mean, when I got in the beta, and turned it on, it was radically different. The software was very much doing something, and I wasnt in a different room.


DoomBot5 t1_iy5z8kf wrote

For sure, it's trying. You just can't fix everything with software.


BarryTGash t1_iy59rdn wrote

It might be an implementation of HRTF - head-related transfer function.


BrewKazma t1_iy5a1m8 wrote

That is exactly what it is. The new Tempest 3d engine.


BarryTGash t1_iy5ltqb wrote

Oh, cool. I'm not familiar - will go and investigate.


ImGCS3fromETOH t1_iy3u9zc wrote

That's just what I need while I'm driving my car in traffic. Sounds unexpectedly coming from behind me.


tinydonuts t1_iy4r4of wrote

Car manufacturers are missing a large untapped market here. They could start marketing their 100k luxury cars as affordable tiny home replacements given that the median new home sale price is now north of 400k. Just pop a 4K screen in for the windshield and add a coffee maker and you’re good to go.


littlebitsofspider t1_iy69hvc wrote

I've always wanted to shit in a BMW without being ejected from the dealership.


Few-Swordfish-780 t1_iy51fbg wrote

You know all cars have rear speakers already right?


ImGCS3fromETOH t1_iy6fy60 wrote

Not surround sound systems though. At least not the ones I drive. Hearing speakers that are mixed and balanced but still playing the whole audio track is one thing. Hearing isolated sounds from the rear speakers would be something else entirely.


swettm t1_iy4014p wrote

These types of features (spatial audio, HRTFs, beamforming, etc.) are actually pretty straightforward and well known techniques, and like machine learning, we're just now getting to a point where we have the hardware to properly implement them.