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DarthBuzzard t1_iyyefhx wrote

> but until anyone else releases a compelling VR/AR product, apple is never going to. They are not going to be the ones to tip their hands on what the next generation of these devices can be.

This isn't the smartphone era. VR/AR has a long road to maturity. Apple can't afford to wait another 10 years before they release something in this space, or they risk losing a top spot.


theo2112 t1_iyyj08n wrote

Another 10 years? No. But another 2 years while Facebook flails around trying to stay relevant doing the dirty work of explaining to your 50 year old aunt what VR even is. Sure.

Then, once there’s even a single compelling reason for the average person (apple doesn’t target niche groups with hardware) to want a VR headset, apple will unveil theirs.