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[deleted] t1_izld9z4 wrote

Hey buddy, do I need to remind you what you actually said?

>Where is apple car and apple tv? Those are to be released 5+yrv ago.

None of those articles report a release date because no one ever reported a release date. They've only ever reported that Apple is developing a car, which is factually true. You're still a liar, plus you did all the exact dumbfuck troll things I said you were gonna do:

>you aren't going to admit that what you're saying is a lie

>you're going to reply with more lies

>you're going to try to spin the blame on me for insulting you

Honest question - are you just sincerely really fucking stupid and don't understand how to read or understand what you're reading? Or are you a pointless troll doing this on purpose because you're an awful person?