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Dark_Clark t1_izxh1t1 wrote

The impact of ray-tracing is completely overblown for nearly all games.


RechargedFrenchman t1_izyd1ga wrote

The visual fidelity impact**

The absolutely tanking your framerate impact is pretty hard to undersell.


alc4pwned t1_j02feuy wrote

..because most games don’t support it. In the ones that do, it’s usually pretty impressive. Raytracing looks really nice in Cyberpunk. Elden Ring is supposed to be getting an RT update soon, I bet that’ll look amazing.


Dark_Clark t1_j02s6dt wrote

It looks good in Cyberpunk, but that’s like the very very top of the heap. And even in a game like Metro Exodus, if you lower the ray tracing settings, the difference is pretty much negligible. Control is supposed to be this incredible showcase of ray tracing but it just doesn’t look that good. Looks better? If you A/B them, yeah. But compared to an upgrade in resolution or frame rate, it’s just not really that important.


ben1481 t1_j02tfgy wrote

What exactly are you expecting? It adds more realistic lighting and reflections. Do you think it's going to make things photorealistic overnight? Graphics have always evolved in steps, and this is yet another step.


Dark_Clark t1_j03muh4 wrote

I agree with you. This is the future. However, at this point, the cost is immense and the benefit it very small. That’s what I’m saying. Not that ray tracing is bad, but that it’s just not that big of a deal at this point given its cost.