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ostertoaster1983 t1_j06ok4e wrote

This is an absurd take, people often deviate from normal routines for a variety of reasons. My mother was in an accident earlier this year where this would have been incredibly beneficial. Why are you so bent on denying the benefits of this feature. What's your goal here?


Sol33t303 t1_j06rm67 wrote

Why do you claim I'm denying the benefits of it? I'm not.

> Why are you so bent on denying the benefits of this feature.

I feel like thats a lot of extrapolation from my one comment lmao. I'm not bent on anything.

I simply saying that in the present, without the above tech, you could make a good guess as to where it happened. As you said just now it's great that he was able to tell exactly where it was with 100% certainty, i'm not denying that in the slightest.

But without it, you could probably still take a guess and still be at least probably 80% accurate. I'm no trying to claim that it's better in the slightest, just that if you knew a crash happened after the audio cut out you could probably find them pretty fast even without it.


ostertoaster1983 t1_j06w7xj wrote

You're making claims which, whether intentional or not, serve to discount the usefulness of this technology. First of all, your claim is a stretch for a number of reasons, people don't always take the same route, people aren't always going to the same places, there are countless scenarios which would make it incredibly hard to find someone who'd had an accident even if you're incredibly familiar with their daily routines. It sounds like you're discounting the tech because you were responding to points about what makes the tech valuable. Saying "but you could probably just guess where they are" is a pretty pointless response. Sure, you could, or you could know exactly where they are and where to send help which is much better than going off a hunch which has a too high chance of being wrong when we're talking about an emergency scenario. If your entire point is that, it's sometimes possible to guess where people are, I guess.... great? It's also possible to guess and be wrong while they lie bleeding 2 miles in the other direction.