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MaracaBalls t1_j02daru wrote

I don’t always crash, but when I do, iCrash. Stay nerdy my friends. Lol


ben1481 t1_j02dbor wrote

Oh look another 'article' from an Apple website saving someone's life. Propaganda much?


BobisaMiner t1_j02qo3a wrote

Yeah, I'm sure it was the crash detection and not the fact that his wife suddenly screamed while driving and the conversation stopped suddenly. And it wasn't a matter of life and death, the crash was light according to the article.

>He was on a phone call with her when he heard her scream — and the line went dead.

from the article.


AechBee t1_j02qwzg wrote

Perhaps if the iPhone hadn’t distracted her while driving she wouldn’t have been in an accident.


DigitalSteven1 t1_j02utn3 wrote

>... are all built with advanced sensors for car crash detection

Not exactly that advanced...


AechBee t1_j02v1a3 wrote

It was more a dig on apple than anything. It’s true, I didn’t give enough of a horse’s ass to bother reading the apple insider article.


ledow t1_j02v1yx wrote

How many other patients was the woman's husband also dealing with that day?


upkerry14 t1_j02w3sh wrote

I like how the assumption of the phone "getting to the accident" before the ambulance is somehow the first responder's fault. Stop calling for nonsense and more ambulances would be available for real calls.


Barium_Barista t1_j030gx5 wrote


Can you people please stop being so gullible? The article is literally pointing to a Reddit comment without any sort of further proof.


RANDY_MAR5H t1_j0320b1 wrote

Not too surprising.

Most 911 contracts that private ambulance services have, allow them at least 15 minutes to respond - depending on the size of the serviced area.


BroMatterhorn t1_j033lnu wrote

Sure, but it’s a pretty good one still. This isn’t 2010 where you want a new app every day, most people already know what apps they need and every once in a while, might get a new one if it’s popular.

For the 0.01% you can’t get via the App Store, there are “work arounds” already if you need them.

At the end of the day all the app stores kind of suck for some reason or another.


langthwaiter t1_j034v8v wrote

It seems you’ve somehow been convinced that less calls to emergency lines is the solution to the problem.

I’d re-evaluate as to whether you’ve been lead to believe that because of facts or because of sensationalism.


0verlimit t1_j035d4v wrote

I’m surprised people care that much about apps nowadays. I’ve definitely tapered down from years ago where I was going crazy with phone games and just pretty much only use social media apps nowadays.

I remember I used to be crazy with stuff like widgets and themes when I had an android or jailbroken iphones but I realized I can’t be bothered to do any of that anymore.


wmurch4 t1_j037zbm wrote

Hey another one of these "news" articles.

Appleinsider sure is a respectable news source.. oh and it's based on a reddit post?

This one certainly passes the smell test. Quality journalism achieved


Fortified007 t1_j03817d wrote

"He was on a phone call with her when he heard her scream — and the line went dead."

"Another driver had been distracted and crossed into traffic, hitting his wife head-on"

seems like she was distracted


Pixelatorx2 t1_j0399jf wrote

Yeah, most people nowadays have had phones for long enough that there isn't much novelty to messing around with apps or widgets.


Personally, even though Apple has mostly caught up with respect to hardware, there are still quite a few software features Apple does not support:

  • FireFox mobile adblocker
  • Game emulation
  • Root access
  • Support for more USB devices
  • Always-On-Display tweaks
  • YouTube Vanced

If they fixed some of these, it'd be a much closer decision.


Most-Revolution-7108 t1_j039fwh wrote

Oh yay, more apple marketing. Wow! Are they that desperate to sell overpriced phones? I guess they need this to justify their overpriced phones... 🤬🤦🏻👎🏻 Crash detection came standard on pixel phones 4 years ago...


Electrical_Taste8633 t1_j039gi7 wrote

You’ve obviously never worked in a hospital or in the medical field.

People call for an ambulance when their toe is stubbed. But, there was one day that always stuck out to me, there was a woman who came in, a nut job who wears a helmet to walk around outside, because she tripped and fell on her arm. It wasn’t broken, it was sprained, scraped and a bit bloody, but no worse than an average afternoon for an elementary school boy. She claimed to be in 10/10 chest pain though, so she was brought back, her only issue was the arm and she wanted to be seen quicker.

Meanwhile, waiting there, was this woman who was like 6 months pregnant and had lupus, going through some major complications, being carried back and forth to the bathroom by her Boyfriend or husband. Occasionally screaming out in pain; And an 18 year old girl, who’d been hit by a car going 35 mph through a red light who had 2 broken legs, and had been knocked out by the impact, Trying her best to bear with the pain

Those two waited for fucking two hours (at least until the end of my shift) because they told the truth, the helmet nut, was out in less than two hours with only a bandage.


upkerry14 t1_j039qzk wrote

My "jade" as you call it is well earned and an opinion I am well entitled to. I wanted to make the system better ("We want to hear from you! Tell us what you think") and was ignored. Some due to politics and power struggles between medical directors, chiefs, hospital CEOs etc.... Ironically the very things I spoke of are now starting to be instituted, not because they are more efficient but because of economics. The system simply cannot continue this way anymore. I loved my job up until the day I retired and considered it a privilege to help people. I got angry when I hear a chest pain come up and I was taking you in for an earache at 3am that you were too lazy to call you're doctor about at 3pm. Every medic feels this way eventually, even you, after seeing how horribly run 911 is in this country. Litigation /fear is a big part of it as well. Suffice it to say you don't know me, nor I you, so let's work a shift together and tell me if I'm "jaded". Ad hominem attacks are a sign of a weak argument.


practicallyimperfect t1_j03ca97 wrote

It wasn’t an attack, it was a post opinion on what could have prevented such jade to keep YOU happier but I can see your point. Not trying to be offensive. Thank you for dedicating your life to your calling. It’s thanks-less at times and gets worse with time.

When I first started in the ED I remember clear as day a nurse who was a FANTASTIC nurse asking someone “when exactly did this become an emergency?” To something that was clearly not an emergency but was presented to the emergency room.

Her nursing was on point. She could work harder than anyone I ever met. Her attitude and jade weren’t. She (thankfully) left shortly thereafter to become the most incredible advocate for change but from a distance so that she didn’t continue to feel angry, frustrated and disappointed in a Brooke system but could continue to use her servants heart with action.

I left front lines for essentially the same reasons. We have all experienced the worst in people if you work for a single moment as a first responder.

But we’ve also seen the best and most selfless acts that the world almost never sees. Being grateful for an additional service that helps response times and assists in locating victims should be celebrated.

I hope you’re proud of what you did and can forgive those that took advantage of services that they abused and weren’t intended to use as they did.


langthwaiter t1_j03d9cm wrote

Well that’s very sad that you’ve taken the view that people should just stop calling.

Clearly not the solution, how about better educating the general public on first aid?


DevoidHT t1_j03f5mc wrote

Have they fixed the roller coaster issue yet? Heard there was a problem with it accidentally calling an ambulance on people riding roller coasters.


Goodbye_Games t1_j03gq4x wrote

It happens a lot more than people realize. Especially when the watch is in play too. Often in impacts that are require the full support of all the public services, phones will get away from the drivers or passengers. The older button press to alert on the watch way was a sure fire solution to get someone to your exact location quickly. I’ve had patients come into the ER with the watch screen shattered and the phone screen shattered, but the service still worked and they were found in some east jesus knees rural setting in the dark and wreaked.

I’m going to need to look at the statistics since it is something we track (that they were responded to by automated phone services), but it does have a small error margin since our cardio patients with pacemaker/cardioverters/life vests all go home with a 4g monitor. I know that I’ve personally been involved in around 30 calls this year that involved the cellphone being the saving grace in an MVA. Not sure how many going back 5 or 6 (can’t remember when it actually started) years since apple started doing the SOS button press.


HillarysFloppyChode t1_j03jni6 wrote

I used to be hard core android, but honestly iPhones are just better. No half baked features with a bloat filled OS over it and I Always get the latest updates, the carrier doesn't control them.


Bonus, when I did the Satellite SOS demo, one of the options is towing and breakdowns, thats useful as fuck.


User9705 t1_j03ln66 wrote

I have an iPhone and two android phones. I turn the android phones on, update them, play with them and then Reminds me why I don’t use them. It’s a 90 days typical cycle.


AirborneRunaway t1_j03mlca wrote

There are absolutely people who don’t need to call the emergency line. Most of the bulk of the calls we get on a daily basis do not need a ambulance to take them to the ER. If you can drive yourself, you don’t need an ambulance. If it’s not an actual emergency that is threatening your life and you can have someone else drive you, you don’t need to call. There are plenty of situations where even taking an Uber would be better for the system. Most paramedics can’t tell a potentially paying patient “no” so they transport the stupidest shit you’ve ever heard of.

This isn’t even counting fall calls where someone shows up to help pick up an elderly or disabled person who simply can’t get themselves back up from their position. Those at least serve the community in some meaningful way.


TheMagickConch t1_j03oj8n wrote

Nice marketing apple. Almost had me for a second.


_c_manning t1_j03omdr wrote

Go start a non apple subreddit then. You’re upset that their stories of tech heroism are coming through to public light.

When other manufacturers have such success they too will make the front page. But please make a subreddit to artificially exclude one of the most innovative forces of our day.


ArtSpeaker t1_j03p3sl wrote

We collectively cut the funding for all journalism. Decided they need to make a profit on their own advertisements or fail. Then complain that what's left is all the dregs of effort 1 ad spot will buy.

We're on the paparazzi financial model for news now. :(


Wrathb0ne t1_j03pzqp wrote

I mean, it is pretty easy to beat an ambulance to the scene especially when you aren’t guaranteed one in most US states


Beautiful_Rhubarb t1_j03qqqw wrote

not surprised, ambulances can take a long time to arrive. Cops are always patrolling so they usually get there faster.


Tyrilean t1_j03que3 wrote

Meanwhile, my wife was t-boned by someone running a red light, and the first I heard was when she called me.


CptHammer_ t1_j03sl5l wrote

Also reposting a reddit story on reddit laundered through a magazine who has financial interest in "good" Apple news seems like the real point is to get me to click that link.


Pixelatorx2 t1_j03yzg9 wrote

Oh, cool. I didn't know Safari had an adblocker, that's pretty neat. I still don't think that solution allows for Firefox w/ adblocker, which is what I use on desktop / android, so I'd want my data to sync.


LookMaNoPride t1_j03z6nz wrote

It's the ciiiiiiircle of journalism!

create da story denyou cite da story

create da story denyou cite da story

create da story denyou cite da story (and onda wiki)

create da story denyou cite da story (and onda wiki)


Electrical_Taste8633 t1_j041uz0 wrote

Honestly, those falls calls and transport calls taking people to dialysis we’re favorite ones to deal with because of that reason. At least you’re providing a service.

And yeah, if you’re telling people they don’t need an ambulance ride you’d be fired lol


ckirk91 t1_j041w2e wrote

Never wait on an ambulance. Saw this on Quora last night posted by a cop, made some great points:

The average Ambulance in America takes 8 minutes to arrive but in many many places its more like 15 or 20. If your loved ones life is on the line do the mental math. Can you get them to the ER before an Ambulance can get here? If someone I know is dying they're getting thrown in a vehicle and driven to the closest ER turning corners on two tires in almost every conceivable circumstance. This is what Cops do when other Cops get hit. I have never seen or heard of a shot/stabbed St Louis City Cop arriving at the Trauma Center in an Ambulance. The nearest Cop throws you in the back seat and then does some of the scariest driving you will ever see or hear tell of to get you to the ER. If Grandpa suddenly has chest pain and trouble breathing…don't walk him to the bedroom…walk him to the front seat of the car. You will be halfway to getting him to the ER by the time you could have finished describing what is going on and where to 911, let alone waiting for them to be notified, get to the rig and drive to you (then talk a lot and finally drive him to where?...the ER you could have been at 10 minutes after the event started instead of 45 minutes with EMS).


Duner24 t1_j047dad wrote

Right !!! Had a friend with spinal injury, so we picked him up and threw him in the back of the truck and drove him to the hospital but then, as we went to pull him out of the back of the truck, he was lifeless and all white colored. What does that mean?


[deleted] t1_j04a1wd wrote

Bring back the mini versions. WTF Apple. We want mobile phones not mini tablets


IowaJammer t1_j04b09a wrote

"The couple had only recently upgraded to the iPhone 14 thanks to a deal they got on the smartphones. The husband was aware of the feature but wasn't interested in it as he didn't think he'd ever use it."

Apple needs to use this quote in their next ad.


Lewad42 t1_j04balc wrote

It smells like commercials thousand miles away…


BuriedUnderTheDirt t1_j04d9fa wrote

The whole basic idea of a phone is to make calls and send text messages

Everything else is just a nice to have

The google pixel is well known for a having a glitch that disables calling, I think to emergency lines only but thats worse.

So its a phone that can glitch out and disable half the phones primary functions

And its like they keep fixing it but it keeps coming back, by this point I wouldn’t be surprised if pixel is on the way to the google graveyard


End3rWi99in t1_j04eu10 wrote

This is a post is an advertisement literally from Apple Insider. What the fuck, /r/gadgets?


ShitFuck2000 t1_j04gy40 wrote

How’s it work exactly?

I’m very tempted to slam my phone into a pillow or run into a wall or something to see if I can trigger it…


FireLucid t1_j04jiwm wrote

My Pixel never went off when I went on roller coasters this year although I didn't take it on the most extreme one due to fear of it falling out. It's certainly plausible.

How would you fix this? Create exclusion zones for crash detection?


Still_Maverick_Titan t1_j04kxjr wrote

In all seriousness, this say much more about how antiquated emergency services are than about how advance the iPhone is.


FireLucid t1_j04la78 wrote

I mean, yes of course to emergency services, didn't know about the emergency contacts.

To be fair, I didn't really look into the details of how Apple did it since Google did this a few years ago (I have a Pixel). I completely forgot about the emergency contacts bit. Just checked and I have it set up with my wife already. Oops.


vkeshish t1_j04mqd8 wrote

On the flip side, my phone automatically called 911 when I ate it on the slopes yesterday, so there is that.


hooterscooter t1_j051kl7 wrote

Using the sensors from the phone (barometer, accelerometer, etc.), you can filter out seeming obvious non-driving trips once you understand what that data looks like.

I suspect we’ll also start to hear stories about apple detecting crashes when people are skiing/snowboarding this winter, as that’s also a common false-positive scenario. Again, using barometer signals and other sensors, you can start to filter those out.

Source: Work for a company who has crash detection technology that can be embedded into phones/apps


bnetimeslovesreddit t1_j053wbq wrote

Which is dumb thing we don’t have digital based dispatch for police, fire and ambos. You need someone in call centre to verify it


Burgwin t1_j054yft wrote

Honestly, this probably speaks more to the ambulances staffing crises more than inflated iPhones heroics.


Soxwin91 t1_j05if7f wrote

I think the impact it detects has to be pretty significant. Like, you’ve got driving focus right? It detects the iPhone moving because the car is moving. Which is why often times driving focus will activate for passengers. It doesn’t distinguish between driver & passenger.

If it detects the iPhone in motion, then suddenly — BAM — the phone is stationary, it could trigger the detection.

They demonstrated this in a granted, factionalized context on a recent episode of one of the Law & Order iterations. Chris Meloni’s character was in a tight spot, borrowed the phone from a fellow detective, and chucked it as far as he could outside of a dead zone. Phone detected a sudden cessation of movement and automatically dialed 911.

Again, that’s obviously fictionalized, but they got the idea from the real world tech.


RodmansSecurity t1_j05lods wrote

Sounds like when dogs can detect that a diabetic person’s blood sugar is too low based on the vapor weight of the air around them. It’s fuckin wild


IkeaIsLegendary t1_j05o48o wrote

Ah yes, "journalism" that gets it's source from α reddit comment. The pinnacle of credibility right here folks.


Wardogs96 t1_j05pyoc wrote

Bruh have you worked any emergency response or hospital positions. It's abused, over worked and under-staffed. Having people use 911 or the ER for actual emergencies as opposed to a taxi or get away is a very fair criticism of our collapsing medical and emergency response system.


2ManyMonitors t1_j05ri0c wrote

This gonna snitch next time I feel like hittin and runnin?


langthwaiter t1_j05s86l wrote

I literally work at a hospital, and at no point have I said these aren’t issues.

Just that the attitude “less calls is better” when there are people who would actively choose to not call a service based on this prejudice because they don’t deem themselves worthy of the effort.


Jaystime101 t1_j05wb67 wrote

Jesus Christ they’re making news articles based off Reddit post now…can’t believe someone gets paid for that kind of lazy journalism, must be easy money.


TreesmasherFTW t1_j06a1j2 wrote

You can have your hands free and still be distracted. You’re using your brain power to operate a vehicle while watching the road while talking to someone. You’re basically doing mental juggling.


sean101v t1_j06grtk wrote

You CAN be distracted, but that doesn’t MAKE you distracted. With your logic, the same would apply to talking to people who are in the car with you. Do you sit in compete silence every time you drive?


ostertoaster1983 t1_j06oeb8 wrote

Not everyone uses, or wants to use, find my iphone. For people who think it's abnormal to constantly track their family members but who also may want to alert them if there is an emergency this is a great option. I don't understand the desire to drag this technology, it's almost indisputably a good feature.


ostertoaster1983 t1_j06ok4e wrote

This is an absurd take, people often deviate from normal routines for a variety of reasons. My mother was in an accident earlier this year where this would have been incredibly beneficial. Why are you so bent on denying the benefits of this feature. What's your goal here?


ostertoaster1983 t1_j06p355 wrote

I don't disagree, but not everyone uses that feature for a variety of reasons. My mom thinks constant location sharing is creepy but has me and my step dad in her phone as ICE contacts. She was in an accident earlier this year and I would have been grateful if she'd had this. I encouraged her and my step dad to do full time location sharing after that so we would know where she was if something happened again and she didn't want to. She'd do this though and I would rest easier if she had it.


Sol33t303 t1_j06rm67 wrote

Why do you claim I'm denying the benefits of it? I'm not.

> Why are you so bent on denying the benefits of this feature.

I feel like thats a lot of extrapolation from my one comment lmao. I'm not bent on anything.

I simply saying that in the present, without the above tech, you could make a good guess as to where it happened. As you said just now it's great that he was able to tell exactly where it was with 100% certainty, i'm not denying that in the slightest.

But without it, you could probably still take a guess and still be at least probably 80% accurate. I'm no trying to claim that it's better in the slightest, just that if you knew a crash happened after the audio cut out you could probably find them pretty fast even without it.


ostertoaster1983 t1_j06w7xj wrote

You're making claims which, whether intentional or not, serve to discount the usefulness of this technology. First of all, your claim is a stretch for a number of reasons, people don't always take the same route, people aren't always going to the same places, there are countless scenarios which would make it incredibly hard to find someone who'd had an accident even if you're incredibly familiar with their daily routines. It sounds like you're discounting the tech because you were responding to points about what makes the tech valuable. Saying "but you could probably just guess where they are" is a pretty pointless response. Sure, you could, or you could know exactly where they are and where to send help which is much better than going off a hunch which has a too high chance of being wrong when we're talking about an emergency scenario. If your entire point is that, it's sometimes possible to guess where people are, I guess.... great? It's also possible to guess and be wrong while they lie bleeding 2 miles in the other direction.


ckirk91 t1_j07u35u wrote

You could always pick the person up? Just like a paramedic would have to? There’s very few situations driving someone to the ER yourself wouldn’t work for. There’s an exception to everything you fuckin boner.


EasyRider1530 t1_j084f87 wrote

This feature also saved Stabler and co in Law and Order OC.


PerryNeeum t1_j086sa0 wrote

Funny thing about ambulances….sometimes response times are extended especially in private service coverage. Not shocking that a relative was able to make it to the scene first.


TreesmasherFTW t1_j0cvqpn wrote

The amount of people refusing to listen to logic is crazy. This doesn’t even need a scientific explanation, it just makes complete sense that it’s more difficult to do two tasks at the same time than one. How sad.


TreesmasherFTW t1_j0cw7j6 wrote

No? I talk to people plenty. I am a distracted driver. I don’t know why you decided to try strawmanning this, but yeah. Talking while driving is a distraction. Doing anything while driving is a distraction. You can still talk while you drive, but to try convincing people that talking while driving is not a distraction paints you as a fool.


Early-Abroad-3771 t1_j1a5v5j wrote

not to be toxic but it’s genuinely a reddit moment when the article clearly states the other driver was distracted and literally caused a head-on collision, but some loser focuses on the women talking while driving when we all know hands-free is a viable option, so thank you for calling him out.

i don’t think i’ve seen anyone have their phone up to their ear while driving. it’s either hands-free or headphones.