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FlatulentWallaby t1_j0dua1p wrote

> by your logic the Steam Deck must be a huge failure because it's only sold a million units

It hasn't even been out a year and that 9 months has been plagued by supply issues. That point is meaningless. It's hilarious you think that's even a valid point considering your "experience".

I still haven't seen you provide anything concrete that remotely shows the steam controller was a success. Feedback doesn't make you money. Sales make you money. Show me numbers that prove the steam controller was even close to a success. Until then, meaningless speculation proves nothing.

There was 1 feature they took from the steam controller and put into the steam deck. That's it. And that feature has been around since the PSVita, going forward with the playstation 4 controller so any "valuable feedback" doesn't mean much because the touch pads on the steam deck and steam controller aren't much different than the ones on the Vita or PS4/PS5 controllers.

And you resulting to personal attacks with assumptions about my age prove you don't actually have any meaningful proof against my claim.