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ApatheticWithoutTheA t1_j0wcrml wrote

Since I’ve been looking for a new dev job I’ve probably had it write me 20 cover letters in the last week lol.

I just paste in the job description, paste in my resume points. And boom, customized cover letter that is better than anything I could write. This thing is amazing for that. It’s pretty much made cover letters a non issue at this point.


VansAndOtherMusings t1_j0wd87j wrote

Oh yeah 100% I even use it to answer the other silly questions of why are you excited to work here or what about our mission excites you and as long as that organization has been around before 2021 it answers all of those questions.

I think the true key is using the chatgpt api in some way to make some money. Even if it’s not life changing money just something.


Whaines t1_j0xnkur wrote

And an AI is reading them too!


ApatheticWithoutTheA t1_j0xool7 wrote

Which reminds me that I filled out about 15 applications only to find out that my new resume wasn’t being parsed correctly by one of the major ATS software products API (Lever).

I probably wasted 8 hours of my life on those only to find out that the parser was putting everything in the wrong spots.