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thethrillman t1_j1qfxpe wrote

These photos make it look a lot better than what we saw with earlier renders. Though the 11 is still pretty ugly overall.

What is the point of OnePlus anymore though after being so oppo-fied?


FinalPerfectZero t1_j1r8gjc wrote

Back when the OnePlus was originally designed (the original OnePlus 1), you had a flagship killer at half the price. The value proposition was insane, and you got a TON of extra software on top (fingerprint scanner, actually good screen unlock patterns, shortcuts on screen) that were years ahead of other phones. Was great.

Somewhere along the line, things shifted away from custom and starting looking more and more stock, and the value kept diminishing and diminishing. There’s no reason to buy a OnePlus over an iPhone/Samsung now.

I’ve had a OnePlus 1, 2, and 6+. I personally would never get another OnePlus unless things drastically change moving forward.


shrroom t1_j1rf5nl wrote

I bought 6t because of the reasonable price.

My next phone won't be OnePlus.


Ambitious-Ad6236 t1_j1rgw76 wrote

I feel the same way. Plus the quality of the phones seem to have gone down. I have a OnePlus 7T and it feels solid. The OS still runs smoothly, I drop it all the time and it doesn’t break, although I have it in a silicon case which I’m sure helps. I got my Mum an 8T and it feels less sturdy. Her screen has some significant scratches, and she is far more careful than I. Given this and the increasing price, I’m also unlikely to get another OnePlus phone.


badwolfjb t1_j1s8vtz wrote

I miss the Cyanogenmod days, too. That was such a great phone.


AbandonedPlanet t1_j1t9mrl wrote

I hopped off at the 6 for these very reasons. If I'm paying near-flagship prices I might as well just wait an extra pay period and get a flagship. It's going to have longer software support and better customer service. It's a shame really. They really looked like a promising "third option" for a while there


BusinessBear53 t1_j1s9txo wrote

Hah yeah that's why I didn't buy another after the One. Got more expensive every model until it became the flagship it was meant to be better value than.


xnootxnootx t1_j1qqcx1 wrote

I would actually love to know this because currently I have the OnePlus 9, non-pro, and while I enjoy it, the updates for OOS 12 and then 13, I've continued to have more issues as time goes on and I'm considering jumping ship for my next upgrade.