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Levelman123 t1_j25vazh wrote

Hmm. Not bad, This could be solved by insuring the same customer locks remain in place throughout the transaction. Or at least at the beginning and end of the transaction. Like repair shops cant unlock phones for the reason of "forgot password" as that is not a repair issue.

I guess the better question to ask would be does apple tech already have this? If so what is the difference to a guy with 15 minutes of training but branded an "apple genius" unlocking my phone compared to a guy with 20 years experience in his own repair shop doing it?


Ashmizen t1_j26jwfa wrote

I would assume currently iPhones do not have any unlock mechanism - however, laws can force Apple to change their design, like the recent EU ruling that is forcing Apple to add support for multiple app stores on future iPhones


IThinkIKnowThings t1_j26gh56 wrote

Culpability. It's much harder for Apple, who's ultimately responsible for their poorly-trained employees' actions, to get away with stuff like that. They're way too big with way too much government oversight. The public outrage alone would be palpable, with demands for Apple to pay. Meanwhile if Joe Blow jail breaks some stolen iPhones no one outside of law enforcement and those affected would know.


Scizmz t1_j26sq3p wrote

> with way too much government oversight.

You're funny.