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Versability t1_j28x5xq wrote

Amazon and Walmart are the two companies with the most employees in the entire world as far as I’m aware. It’s a pretty large margin too, as nobody but these two companies employs over 1 million people.

If automation replaced human workers, wouldn’t both of these companies have fewer workers than everybody else instead of more?


123hoe t1_j290cni wrote

They deliver with drones and some of the warehouses already are replacing sorters with robots Amazon could fully autonomize tomorrow if the govt relaxed fsd requirements and hopefully give ubi or nationalized necessities


Versability t1_j296rwi wrote

Lmao There’s no regulation stopping Amazon from being fully automated. What is this FSD you speak of?


123hoe t1_j2971h6 wrote

Full self driving. Which there is regulation against and which driving aka transporting the products is a huge part of there buisness. Fuck is you talking about