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MayorOfSmurftown t1_j2w7lqj wrote

Wish they'd go even bigger. After gaming on a 27" monitor, downsizing to a 17" or 18" laptop feels bad.

Dell used to have a 20" gaming laptop back in the day and it was great.


Avieshek OP t1_j2w9wk6 wrote

A 27" laptop wouldn't be a laptop but a tabletop my friend.


MayorOfSmurftown t1_j2waequ wrote

Everyone who uses a gaming laptop uses it on a tabletop anyway. Nobody actually games with it in their lap.

27" might be excessive, but they could easily make a 20" gaming laptop and it wouldn't be too bulky. Dell had one a few years ago and it was fairly portable; it basically folded into a briefcase that was very easy to carry.


Technoticatoo t1_j2wamv3 wrote

But at that point you might as well just connect a 30" monitor to your laptop and go with a smaller laptop.


MayorOfSmurftown t1_j2wavoy wrote

But then when you game on the go, you're stuck on your laptop's tiny screen. The whole point of a laptop with a big screen is to have access to that display wherever you go.


Veranova t1_j2wbqwu wrote

r/sffpc awaits. Lots of people build powerhouses and strap on a big screen, then put it in a flight case for travel. At a certain point a laptop of 27” is not more convenient than the flight case solution, you could even just buy an all-in-one pc and a case for it.


Technoticatoo t1_j2wl6fa wrote

I guess tastes differ, I have been gaming on the go a lot, and from my experience usually there isn't any use for a big laptop "on the go", it's a pain to lug around, you mostly don't have a lot of space for it in hotels etc. and usually you aren't on the move to game but for other reasons (vacation, business, school trip etc.) and then you don't really mainly game but do other things most of the time, so you could do it as well on a smaller laptop.

And if you really just want to play games at a friends place or something you might as well bring a monitor then, if you are already considering a 20"+ laptop.

I guess maybe if you are in the military or similar and spend a lot of time abroad or something a big laptop would be nice. (But again, if its a long term but temporary position, why not bring a big monitor)


MayorOfSmurftown t1_j2xvvyk wrote

>And if you really just want to play games at a friends place or something you might as well bring a monitor then, if you are already considering a 20"+ laptop.

It's a pain to go back and forth from a friend's place and lug around a tower, monitor, and keyboard every single time. It's so much easier to be able to carry around a laptop. My friends and I used to throw LAN parties all the time and it was so much easier to just bring a laptop compared to lugging around a desktop setup.

Seriously, I'm a bit shocked there isn't more demand for mobile setups. Gaming is supposed to be a social experience, it's so much more fun to game in-person with friends. Having a high quality gaming laptop makes that experience so much easier.


Technoticatoo t1_j2xyi0u wrote

I guess, as I said tastes differ, everything has its place somewhere.


vanalla t1_j2wl3py wrote

Speaking as someone who once unsuccessfully tried to fit a 24" monitor in a carry on suitcase:

What on earth kind of bag are you carrying around with you that fits a 27"monitor?


FreeSkeptic t1_j2wjeko wrote

I game on my lap with a 14” laptop, but I don’t play games requiring a mouse.


g-nice4liief t1_j2wl0kz wrote

pathetic. You can get a 21 inch screen from ACER if you want something for serious gaming



MayorOfSmurftown t1_j2xvddj wrote

You say /s. But actually, that was an awesome machine. If it weren't so expensive, there would have been a lot of demand for it.


g-nice4liief t1_j2xyzft wrote

That's true. Although it's pretty bulky, the specs where pretty awesome for a "portable" laptop.


nickkom t1_j2xed8n wrote

Love that laptop! And I could always just carry my tower around if my back starts hurting.


Stonethecrow77 t1_j2xg1hk wrote

Down voting over this opinion is stupid.

I don't agree with it at all, but there is nothing wrong with having a difference of opinion.

They are not detracting from the conversation, in fact they are adding to it.

Some of you people simply can't handle yourselves when the world isn't your echo chamber.


MayorOfSmurftown t1_j2xvgdn wrote

Who knew people hated big laptops this much?


Stonethecrow77 t1_j2xx7rl wrote

Almost every comment is getting downvoted. Internet points don't really mean anything but just silly that people can't civilly disagree on something.