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Technoticatoo t1_j2wl6fa wrote

I guess tastes differ, I have been gaming on the go a lot, and from my experience usually there isn't any use for a big laptop "on the go", it's a pain to lug around, you mostly don't have a lot of space for it in hotels etc. and usually you aren't on the move to game but for other reasons (vacation, business, school trip etc.) and then you don't really mainly game but do other things most of the time, so you could do it as well on a smaller laptop.

And if you really just want to play games at a friends place or something you might as well bring a monitor then, if you are already considering a 20"+ laptop.

I guess maybe if you are in the military or similar and spend a lot of time abroad or something a big laptop would be nice. (But again, if its a long term but temporary position, why not bring a big monitor)


MayorOfSmurftown t1_j2xvvyk wrote

>And if you really just want to play games at a friends place or something you might as well bring a monitor then, if you are already considering a 20"+ laptop.

It's a pain to go back and forth from a friend's place and lug around a tower, monitor, and keyboard every single time. It's so much easier to be able to carry around a laptop. My friends and I used to throw LAN parties all the time and it was so much easier to just bring a laptop compared to lugging around a desktop setup.

Seriously, I'm a bit shocked there isn't more demand for mobile setups. Gaming is supposed to be a social experience, it's so much more fun to game in-person with friends. Having a high quality gaming laptop makes that experience so much easier.


Technoticatoo t1_j2xyi0u wrote

I guess, as I said tastes differ, everything has its place somewhere.