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Koffeekage t1_j2yzapf wrote

It looks to be a manufacturing issue not a design flaw.


DMurBOOBS-I-Dare-You t1_j2zs8cj wrote

I called this like 3 days ago ... team Green was having NONE OF IT.

Now they look dumb for trying to equate it to Nvidia's issues.


Ship_Adrift t1_j30o4vm wrote

That name guy.... Cheesus.


Legitimate-BurnerAcc t1_j30tfy0 wrote

I used to say sheesus at my old job but then got fired for saying it.

Really confusing when “merry Christmas” was often said and pushed to be said at the end of phone calls.


FalloutNano t1_j34ubcq wrote

Good. The Christ Jesus is the world’s only hope.


Optix334 t1_j30qkym wrote

Equate it to Nvidia issues... Which were also proven to be manufacturing problems or user error?

Weird flex


DMurBOOBS-I-Dare-You t1_j31yxce wrote

Nvidia issue confirmed to be a design flaw - there is a big difference between an engineered flaw and a minor production issue, but Team Green can't stop sucking Nvidias dick long enough for self reflection.

Sheeple gonna sheep and line Nvidias pocket back ad infinitum. ThEy CaN dO nO wRoNg!


DeBlackKnight t1_j32hkbs wrote

It's crazy how people can watch the same videos from the same handful of content creators and come to wildly different conclusions. The issue with the 12 pin connector is primarily user error. No amount of issue with the design can be used as an excuse for leaving the connector so clearly unplugged as to cause the overheating issue.


Optix334 t1_j3333xo wrote

as someone else has pointed out to you, it was Definitively proven as User Error, and a small amount of manufacturing issues where some debris was left in the connector to cause the short. Here's a nice Gamers Nexus video where they spent thousands of dollars going to professional laboratories for analysis and trying to melt the cables:

Check your bias. You look stupid here.


Titanofthedinosaurs t1_j3esd3e wrote

Nice cherry pick, its a design error that can potentially induce a user error due to the lack of proper secure connection.

Edit: literally from the section before you linked.


Optix334 t1_j3ew9wn wrote

"It required being VERY unseated AND ALSO pulling the cable at an angle. We tested it unseated without pulling at an angle, and it didn't fail even if it was equivalently unsocketed"

I feel like you didn't listen, or you replied to me by accident because that timestamp you edited in just supports the conclusion that it was user error.

Yall really so deep in your own bias that you're trying to equate a clip that appears to be inconsequential, and was proven such via dozens of hours of testing and analysis including X-Raying the connectors, to massive thermal issues. Get real. They almost couldn't make the connector fail when they were trying. Who's actually cherrypicking here?