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bootstraps_bootstrap t1_j3ondg2 wrote

Apparently it’s worse than the ps4


obliviousjd t1_j3or5ao wrote

Honestly the best part of the Xbox controller is that it uses AA batteries.

If it dies, I can just swap my rechargeable AAs with the ones on my charger. And if the batteries deteriorate over time I can get replacements for cheap because of how ubiquitous AA are, it's a nice little right to repair feature.

Meanwhile, my PS controllers might as well be wired.


KhaoticKid98 t1_j3qdx1d wrote

I hate to be that guy, but what about the environment 🤓


obliviousjd t1_j3rcxp4 wrote

I hate to be that guy, but I clearly said I use rechargeable AAs....


OnlyFreshBrine t1_j3ornv8 wrote

Wow. Stunning that isn't a priority for Sony. DS4 is dreadful.
