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OkeelzZ t1_j3xrl3a wrote

Apple has updated my products up to 9+ years before they’re totally unsupported by OS and software updates. 5 is such a low bar.


CosmicCreeperz t1_j3y0wav wrote

The iPhone 6S was discontinued in 2018 and Apple just stopped new OS support for it this year (it can’t get iOS 16). That’s the most recently discontinued model under their new policy and…. is 5 years.

Their other devices tend to be supported longer since there really isn’t much reason for them to stop OS updates for a laptop or streaming box, etc. But we were taking quickly evolving mobile devices here.

Anyway - they entire modern VR industry is less than 8 years old. IMO until it’s more mature 5 years isn’t bad.


OkeelzZ t1_j3y769g wrote

The 6S was released in 2015.


CosmicCreeperz t1_j3y7x2z wrote

Yes, and discontinued in 2018. They count from when the last people could buy it, not the first.


CubitsTNE t1_j3yd50c wrote

Ok now do the quest 1 the same way. Quest 2 came out in 2020, let's use that release date as the most generous date. 2.5 years?


CosmicCreeperz t1_j3yew11 wrote

They are discontinuing support in 2024, not today. So 4 years in this case for a first gen product that sold less than 1/20th of the current one (and counting).

I’m not trying to argue their policy is better than Apple’s (a company that sells a few hundred million of each model). My original post said it was more than most Android devices (given it’s basically an Android device) and almost as much as Apple. Seems 100% correct, huh?


croto8 t1_j3ymuk9 wrote

Yeah but but…. Meta bad 😡


CosmicCreeperz t1_j3ys639 wrote

Honestly… I don’t really disagree with that statement for some reasons! But they are mostly Facebook and Instagram related, not Oculus.


skinlo t1_j3z70hy wrote

I mean, they are.


croto8 t1_j3z759i wrote

That’s not a reason to argue erroneous points


OddImprovement6490 t1_j40qpqn wrote

Shouldn’t the support lifetime be counted when the support is stopped, not when the sales are? Even if 6s hasn’t been sold for 4 years, it got 9 years of software support. 5 years is way past most tech’s warranties so the lack of full hardware support isn’t really relevant and even then I am pretty sure Apple’s genius bar will fix them for a fee.


CosmicCreeperz t1_j41wm7n wrote

We are talking software support which should be counted from when sales stop to when software support stops - since there would be an expectation to support someone’s device for a reasonable time from when they bought it new from you.


ExultantSandwich t1_j408v1q wrote

The first iPhone got 3 years of software support, first generation products always get screwed.