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Killjoy911 t1_j607ska wrote

I’m not passed saying it has potential. But it can’t be near as bulky and it has to have an easy UI. I can’t be sitting here practically writing code to place a marker on my virtual map.


r2k-in-the-vortex t1_j609m2p wrote

True enough on usability, it has to reduce the cognitive demands on a trooper, not increase them. The bulk though... if it works well, it's important enough to sacrifice something else from the kit to make up the weight. Can't beat knowing where you are being shot at from.


Killjoy911 t1_j60a4qn wrote

Ya, but in order to know where you’re being shot from you have to have another piece of equipment for that, it’s not like this system can do that by itself. How much more shit can we possibly put on a helmet, without providing a neck brace. And what piece of gear can we sacrifice? Side plates lol?


r2k-in-the-vortex t1_j60cqch wrote

Thing has a cable going down to the vest doesn't it? That's where everything else is. Only the optical package is on the helmet