Submitted by tharealbigjc22 t3_11duziq in gaming

I ask this because when it comes to RPG games, I have a tendency to save right before a boss fight or a challenging dungeon a lot. Like I don’t wanna be too cautious but I like to be safe before I fight a boss. Dark Souls anyone?



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average-egg t1_jaayt8c wrote

it's never too much


temetnoscesax t1_jab9dap wrote

this is the only answer. Elder Scrolls Morrowind on the OG Xbox taught me this lesson the hard way. literally every 15-30 minutes i would get this damn, "Disk dirty, can't read disc error", even though the disc was brand new. ever since then i save my games as much as they will let me.


Bragsmith t1_jaazeei wrote

Saving even once is the worst thing you can do. Never save. And you have to beat the game in one sitting or you aren't even a gamer.


brian11e3 t1_jab0r1r wrote

Always and often. Never trust auto-saves.


Birdy1072 t1_jaayvh0 wrote

I save a lot because if I do die, I don't want to go back and redo everything I just did.

It's a game. Play how you want to.


S4ntos19 t1_jab7fgq wrote

The real question ks how much saving is not enough.


tea_snob10 t1_jabfulj wrote

Barring a few seconds, it costs you nothing to save and the benefits are pretty clear, so there really isn't such a thing as saving 'too much'


thedoggydaddy t1_jabk9zh wrote

I can guarantee you that however much you are saving is no where near my saving obsession problem. If quick save is an an option, I quick save probably every 15 to 20 seconds, pressing the button wothout realizing it. Manual saves before every npc conversation and multiple times throughout dungeons on top of the quick saving. It started after I lost like 40 hours of gameplay due to a corrupt save and now i have an obsession.


asunamyag t1_jab07w4 wrote

Any amount of manual saving is too much now, the game should handle it all for you.

But if you are playing in a game with manual saves, do it whenever you can.


Xplodonat0r t1_jaca6au wrote

You can't save too often.


TDKswipe t1_jacmo2l wrote

I always save when i can.


Motophobia t1_jadafkk wrote

You wouldn't need to save as much if you'd just use your potions and scrolls. Yeah, the ones you've been holding onto, cluttering your storage, waiting for the big fight!