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Class_Act7 t1_ja4k026 wrote

Idk, I couldn’t care less about 100%ing a game. I stop playing when it becomes boring. You may be the minority.


Astatos159 t1_ja4k6vf wrote

But achievements are optional? It seems like you noticed a problem in your behavior which kills your enjoyment. Instead of wanting other people to fix your personal problem try to work on yourself. If you know that's a bad trait and you're having less fun, then force yourself to NOT finish that part 100%. Don't wanna get the minor upgrade because you don't feel like it? Don't do it.


Kenneth_Powers1 t1_ja4lt99 wrote

Oh total agree they are definitely optional. It’s a me thing, but wasn’t sure if anyone else felt the same way. I guess I sometimes wonder if missing out on certain ones will detract from the overall experience.


Astatos159 t1_ja4mtx3 wrote

I can 100% say that going full completionist will ironically make you lose out on other experiences. Imagine the game having a great story and you love it. Now you see this sidewalk alley in the game but you know you must save someone from whoever. Do you follow the false sense of urgency, manifesting the feeling the devs wanted you to have, or do you downplay the entire part by ignoring the story for some time? If you follow the story, you're engaged, characters matter to you personally and it all feels important. If you go into that sidewalk alley, read some newspapers in the search for Easter eggs and find a funny text when searching a bin that might be funny, but it trivializes the story. It's your choice. What do you choose? Neither of the choices are bad of course, I just wanted to point out how losing out on content can be a positive experience.


Kenneth_Powers1 t1_ja4o1jl wrote

That’s a great perspective. Feel like games have an overwhelming amount of content these days, it’s sometimes hard to prioritize your path forward.


Astatos159 t1_ja4oizt wrote

I agree. When I go for additional content, I do it after I finished the story or if that's not possible during relaxed parts of the story without any urgency. Need to catch the bad guy because he did something bad and he's on the run? Do it right now! Meet in the next City to talk? That stuff can wait for a bit. For me personally story goes almost always first.


Sabetha1183 t1_ja4jegf wrote

Personally I've just always considered them optional and I largely don't care about them. Especially the ones that are the "collect all the things" busywork almost never get done.

I've never 100%'d a game in terms of achievements.


ignoremesenpie t1_ja4k3sx wrote

I don't particularly care either way, but sometimes I feel like it would be fun to have the option to reset the achievements and trophies I've earned, just for the thrill of unlocking them again. If I like a game enough to play it more than once or twice, I’d be down to unlock everything again. That was actually something I did in the PS2 days. I deliberately deleted save files off of my memory card even though I had plenty of space, just for the thrill.

Of course, this probably won't work well with games that have online components or even just not having the complete game in the first place unless you pay extra, and if you do pay extra, there’s no “unlocking thrill” anyway.


Arctic_Sunrize t1_ja4kcgt wrote

as a perfectionist who is also an achievement hunter, I honestly hate achievements because the large majority of games have achievements that are either online/competitive based, and I cant be doing with that, and/or get all of x item, and I feel like I need to do it, so I spend hours doing 1 singular achievement.

It's also ruined my experience with games because I cant just play a game, I instinctively think of getting all the achievements before I've even finished the tutorial.


morphum t1_ja4kb6y wrote

They're already optional. You just pay them no mind. Rather, if there was an option to turn them off, wouldn't you continue wondering if you missed anything?


Kenneth_Powers1 t1_ja4m6ao wrote

Good question. Probably wouldn’t think twice about them if I could disable them. Seeing them pop up periodically does make me wonder if I’m missing out on some of the experience by not going after more.


npimolsri t1_ja4rm4p wrote

The only AAA-size game that I ever 100% achievements is Skyrim and I don’t regret it. Managed to do it on my only playthrough when they release the Anniversary Edition (yes, 10 years later and Todd got my money again).


OkMarsupial t1_ja4o3e6 wrote

They are optional. You're not in the minority.


LillyByte t1_ja4rxjr wrote

I find them annoying myself.

Not much else to say other than that.


Xano74 t1_ja4xnq1 wrote

I never pay attention to trophies or achievements or whatever.

The only time I 100% a game is when I truly love it. I've only done it a handful of times. Mass Effect Trilogy, Samurai Warriors 5, Hyrule Warriors, Age of Calamity and currently about 120 hours into Xenoblade 3 trying to 100%.


last_rages t1_ja4zmcz wrote

On my first playthrough I always just play the game not caring about achievements. If I'm bored and have nothing really going on afterwards, I sometimes go achievement hunting.


Firvulag t1_ja519kb wrote

I think achievements should accurately reflect all the impressive things you can do in a videogame.

Can't complete a game on hard? No Platinum for you.


SDirickson t1_ja6sxqb wrote

"Should be" optional? I'm pretty sure they *are* optional; at least they are in every game I've ever played.