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ghighi_ftw t1_jabkl02 wrote

You are not getting the Sony exclusives anytime soon on PC. So if you like these (the next big thing would be FFXVI I guess) you may want to hold on to your PS. Other than that PC and Xbox seem redundant.


igerster t1_jabkpcw wrote

I go back and forth. I’ll have spurts where all I do is play pc and others when all I do is play Xbox.


Xeriuss2k17 t1_jabkqx9 wrote

If u can afford it sell Xbox but keep PS5 (for exclusives).


Toldyoudamnso t1_jabkugt wrote

Your PC is a there for best quality but the most fuss. Your Playstation is there for plug and Play and Year one exclusives.

You don't need an Xbox anymore.


ghighi_ftw t1_jablmdk wrote

A lot of exclusives eventually find their way to PC yes… but it can take some time and sometimes ports are less than perfect. So, again, it all comes down to how much you enjoy these. If it is of no concern to you yes you can sell your PS. Also it has excellent resale value.


Imminent_Extinction t1_jabm7b8 wrote

People talk about console exclusives but in 2022 alone there were 10,963 games released for PC through Steam (source), which is probably twice as much as any console will receive in its entire lifetime. If you've got a good gaming PC you don't need any console whatsoever.


xboxhobo t1_jabpnru wrote

You're finding out what PC gamers have known for years. Owning a console is mostly pointless.


Heartless_Kirby t1_jabqd2k wrote

Use PC for Xbox and PC games, steam sales for purchase. Use PS for their exclusive, use their sales for different games.


Nasssi t1_jaby96b wrote

Yeah that's what happens. I haven't played on console since 2016.


goretishin t1_jac0ivo wrote

There's really no point not to PC game. It has all the hand holding and cheat codes any amateur gamer can dream of.


ezinem77 t1_jaehow6 wrote

Omg its like watching someone learn how to walk.

He's figuring it out! He's doing it!


potatomonster12346 t1_jaeqar7 wrote

some pc versions are horrible at release, so, they are not wasted. It's probably the better choice to play it on console at release