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Experiunce t1_jaeh751 wrote

Final Fantasy 7, 9, and 10 are good classics. 7 and 9 are my absolute favorites. 10 was groundbreaking at the time for its graphics and voice acting. FF12 is good but also very grindy.

For more modern stuff: 15 is very beautiful but the story is garbage. FF13, 13-2, 13-3 are hot garbage.

If you want to check out other JRPGs that are modern, try Persona 5, Nier Automata, FF7 Remake. I think the OG FF7 is much, much better story wise though. A lot of things got lost in the remake. Character personalities changed, dialogue became much more “anime-y”, it was more raw and human in the original. The remake’s combat system is more fun though.