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Stephen10309 t1_ja9za9t wrote

Currently 4802 hours in csgo, and I’m still dogshit :)


JpM2k t1_jaa0hg5 wrote

8.7 k hours for me lmao, dog shit like you only 2900 elo rn


Stephen10309 t1_jaa67rq wrote

2900??? Nah your chillin bruh, I’m at a nice steady 1700 🤣🤣

IN MY DEFENSE I only really just play with homies and we really don’t take it super serious. A game or two a night and we outttt.


Uncle_Bezi t1_jaa2l1e wrote

5 years of warframe brought me to 4473h


brian11e3 t1_jaa3rj5 wrote

In one sitting? 3 days, WoW TBC.

All time? I have a WoW character that's/played is measured in years, and I haven't played the game in years. That's not even my only character. That character is something around 18 years old now.


Celtic_Crown t1_jaa1yio wrote

Mid 400's range for WWE 2K22. Can't give you an exact number off the top of my head.

Admittedly though I mostly just watch computers fighting each other. XD


Odiwan-Kenobi t1_jaa9571 wrote

My first year playing in the extra life charity game night 3 friends and I played Gears of War 3 horde for 36 hours for a little guy named Dominic who was dying of Cancer at 3 years old. We all picked a variation of Dom and it was one of the funnest gaming nights of my life. We raised $7300 for his family to take him to a treatment center in Florida. His dad worked in another department at the paper I was at. And now years later my friends and I play in the event every year since, we pick a random person and we raise money and have a blast. Best charity ever!


Idrinkcamelspit t1_jaal9q7 wrote

Runescape. Thousands, idk how many but over 10000


UK-Gamers OP t1_jaalccl wrote

Oh I know that grind, I’m an ex runescaper myself


Idrinkcamelspit t1_jaamp01 wrote

I just started playing again and already have 200 hours on my new Ironman lol. It’s like I’ve trained over 20 accounts from 2004 till now, im guessing I’m well over 10000 hours for sure


Merwanor t1_jac71gx wrote

I think I went passed the 365 days mark played on my main World of Warcraft character during the early days of the Dragonflight expansion. Now this character has been with me since the beginning of WoW itself, but I think at least half of that time was spent during the first 2-3 years as I was much more into the game back then. Still play it for a few months every year, but not nearly as active now.


Majestic-Iron7046 t1_jac874h wrote

In one single session with no bathroom pauses and no eating at all, just pure Guild Wars 2, i guess 20 hours totally. Did that only once but it was cool.

Most played game is Path Of Exile with around 2000 hours.


JetGi t1_jae67m0 wrote

1000+ In every BGS title since Morrowind.


BlueFlame_AJ t1_ja9z109 wrote

26 hours in one sitting, Team fortress 2, I have 913 hours in total


Jeberani t1_jaa7mjb wrote

You mad bastard(in scottish accent)

Your butt must’ve been made out of vibranium.


VaxSaveslives t1_jaa01f0 wrote

Eve online dosent have a counter 2006-now Timed I have 7k in civ 5


HobgoblinKhanate1 t1_jaa0zel wrote

Probably had like 5k total hours in guild wars 2


BlueMikeStu t1_jaa0zm4 wrote

Probably either Street Fighter IV or Final Fantasy Tactics.

The former because I made a point of getting really really good at it right before Ultra, and was probably playing it 3-4 hours a day during the hayday of it. I wasn't never quite EVO good, but who the fuck is? The latter because of SCCs and TDDs.


fpomo t1_jaa182f wrote

1K+ hours in Elden Ring and 1K+ hours in cs:go. I suck at both though but they're fun as all heck.


noreallyu500 t1_jaa1jfw wrote

I have, in total, around 1500 hours in Rocket League between ~2017 and 2021. I had always dreamed of a game with full freedom of movement where you had to manually interact to do "moves" and I found it in that game and it was so much fun.

Ended up on a very rough time around 2019/20, so I fell pretty deep into it playing probably around 10 hours a day. The skill ceiling is practically infinitely long (the only limit is your dexterity and muscle memory), you could train tactics and teamwork and mechanics all day long.

I climbed all the way to the last rank only to realize just how much of my life I was and would keep dedicating if I wanted to maintain it, and how it was getting in the way of personal progress, so I quit it. But I do have some amazing memories of it.


Standard_Young_201 t1_jaa1jpm wrote

Bro I envy everyone who has over 1000 hours in any game. I wish I liked any game that much in todays day n age. My closest probably halo MCC at like 700 hours maybe and I love halo since I was 7 and am 25 now.


[deleted] t1_jaa1n6k wrote

Division 1. 3 years going rogue in the DZ. 8 March 2016 - sometime 2019 RIP


illy586 t1_jaa29sc wrote

EverQuest 2. I don’t even remember but I know I was in the triple digit in days, but I’m guessing around 5000 easily. Pretty much played hardcore from wake up to sleep for years.


discothetechx t1_jaa3g4v wrote

Not comparable to others here, but I probably have 1.5k hours in Elder Scrolls Online, and a lot of people I know have huge numbers in the game.


All-Seeing_Hands t1_jaa4bdb wrote

My [parent] was about to pawn my ps3 after the weekend, but I still hadn’t played my new copies of bf3 or gtaIV I bought a few months earlier. So I spent that Friday night playing gta and the last 48 hours staying up playing BF3‘s campaign.

Pretty sure my brain was mush by the end of it but at least I remember the ending. Never saw the console again.


itsmechris5432 t1_jaa4so6 wrote

Thousands of hours on league of legends. No clue how much though 😅


Psychological_Bat509 t1_jaa58c3 wrote

Played Minecraft as a kid (13 ish years old) until my late teens, pretty much the only game I played, played a few hours a day almost everyday with friends, MC doesn't track playtime,.but a few servers I played on did, 1 server I got 2.3k hrs on, and then including single player, realms, other servers... Altogether prolly around 8-9k hrs, I have recently broadened my collection of games I play.


PSgamer28 t1_jaa8o2m wrote

Either Elden Ring or Horizon FW around 80 hours each.


UnsuspectingChief t1_jaak19k wrote

3k+ hours in skyrim (played since day one tho) on 360 / pc


Justavian t1_jaamwx3 wrote

4k in Binding of Isaac?

800 in Risk of Rain 2

700 in Hollow Knight (mostly randomizer)


jackblady t1_jaar7kt wrote

Well I got Baldur's Gate 2 back in 2000, was basically the only game I played for a couple years and I still play it, so I'd assume I've got north of 10,000 hours in it.


Flanelman2 t1_jaav66w wrote

About 3.5k-4k hours in Apex Legends


Psykosis416 t1_jab03fz wrote

My 66 year old Dad has like 1800 hours on ESO lol


UnbanPrimevalTitan t1_jabg6ba wrote

Over 4.2K in Destiny 2 after a little over 3 years of playing


DrPootytang t1_jabydhd wrote

12.5k hours Path of Exile


Impurity41 t1_jabz1ha wrote

All time. Destiny 1. Roughly 3000 hours. But I was well beyond the top 1% in that game so I’m glad it counted for something.

In one sitting was when my friends and I attempted a worlds first in a destiny 2 raid called deep stone crypt. 17 hours straight. Sadly finished around 17th place or so but it was an absolute shit load of fun.

Did I enjoy it? Overall, yes. Am I ever doing that shit again? Hell no. Have I played destiny 2 since that point? No. Completely killed the game for me I was burnt OUT. That was 2 or 3 years ago. Whatever the date was when that raid came out, 17 hours later was my last login to that game🤣