Submitted by TimidEngineer t3_11czohq in gaming

I've never played any of the Civilization series, but have been considering picking it up as a distraction.

The base game is on sale for $5 and the anthology is on sale for about $25. I wondering if I should get the base game or go ahead and get the anthology...

I want to check it out, but wondering if the anthology is worth it if I won't really play it much.



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HoosierDev t1_ja5xgtl wrote

Do you value your free time?


esgrove2 t1_ja7ct3q wrote

One time I brought my PC over to a friend's house for a 3 day weekend. We were going to play a bunch of games. We finished one game of Civ 6 and the weekend of was over suddenly.


IIEarlGreyII t1_ja5x0a2 wrote

I would only get it if you wanted to play Civilization 6, otherwise probably avoid it.


Junkered t1_ja5y5ea wrote

I mean, that's literally the answer to getting any game. 'If you want to play X, you should buy it, otherwise avoid it.'


Mu-Relay t1_ja5zhiz wrote

> 'If you want to play X, you should buy it, otherwise avoid it.'

My Steam library strongly disagrees with this.


Stoney-McBoney t1_ja5x2rl wrote

Yes. Civilization is easily one of my top 5 favorite video game series.


Johnisnotcool t1_ja5ytfo wrote

Honestly 5 is better. If it's on sale I'd just go for that one instead.


ozonejl t1_ja6578s wrote

This person is right, ESPECIALLY if OP has never played Civ before.


Dovvol79 t1_ja7m3q3 wrote

I love 5 but got 6 because of the sale. Played about an hr and returned it. It's way to cartoony for my taste.


Polskinator t1_ja5ykkz wrote

Civ6 is great. If you don’t have experience with the franchise, it’s not bad to start with 6. Honestly I found the district mechanic a bit difficult to get used to and I prefer a bit from civ5, but I do believe it was only because of the number of hours I sank into civ5. If you want to try it out, might as well get it now.


lowkii t1_ja7mzxo wrote

Asking Civ players if you should buy Civ is like asking drug addicts if you should try drugs.


Odd_Imagination_6617 t1_ja5yqx5 wrote

It’s only $5, you might as well I mean there’s nothing to lose if you end up not liking these styles games


rdtthoughtpolice t1_ja60dy6 wrote

If you like strategy games then it's one of the best. For $5 I vote yes.


vibrant_crab t1_ja6kk8v wrote

It’s a great game. It’s essentially an incredibly complicated board game. If that sounds appealing, get it.


Majestic_Preparation t1_ja6mj9b wrote

Base game. If you sink 100 hour’s then consider buying DLCs.


Xemnic t1_ja70ygc wrote

If you've never played any Civ game before, just get the base for $5. First, see if you like the genre. It's a turn-based strategy game and has multiple ways to win. It can be very overwhelming your first time playing.


sicarius254 t1_ja7eeqb wrote

It’s good, I honestly prefer Civ 5, but it’s hard to beat 90% off


Melopahn1 t1_ja87jrp wrote

If you have any part of you that is like "that looks fun" then do it.

I've put about 300 hours into every Civ game since 2. They are quite fun if they are a type of game you like playing.


VaxSaveslives t1_ja8u6d1 wrote

No , buy civ 5 it’s vastly better


GrymEdm t1_ja5xw84 wrote

If you can afford the anthology and get into it, you'll definitely get your money's worth. Even just a single playthrough can give you many hours of entertainment.

That being said, perhaps spend the evening looking up playthroughs of Civ6 to see if you think it will be your jam. Here's a playlist from a YT channel called PotatoMcWhiskey. I can't remember if this is the exact playlist I watched when I was considering buying Civ6, but it was definitely his channel that I found helpful.

I'd spend a bit of time watching vids like that, but if 25 bucks isn't a big deal, it's a solid gamble you'll get good time out of it. Also, I find Civ is GREAT for having something to do in the background while exploring new music on Spotify, YT etc.