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SgtWaffleSound t1_jaelf52 wrote

I buy all the dlc for most of the strategy/RTS/sim games I play. If it's an open world something or other, yea I don't care.


DimensionPrudent1256 t1_jaeogyj wrote

This is why I try pick games with relatively short campaigns. I know I don't have the time and attention span for anything longer than 15-20 hours.

Nothing niggles at me more than a bunch of unfinished games


justxkyle t1_jaels4v wrote

Why do you keep buying games you don't finish?


No_Step_0n_Snek OP t1_jaem39t wrote

Because I have fun playing them, why else? I am a father, husband, and business owner. I don’t have as much time to play as I used to. It’s been two months since I played Horizon Forbidden West, and I forgot the controls. I don’t want to re-do it. I had fun while it lasted.


justxkyle t1_jaemalb wrote

Fair I suppose. I'm a working adult as well but I tend to finish one game before starting the next even when they take me months. Seems like you're blueballing yourself on some great stories haha


No_Step_0n_Snek OP t1_jaemiro wrote

I completely agree. It’s just hard. I started the FF7 Remake as well, and pretty much forgot the story up to this point. It’s hard to find the time.


justxkyle t1_jaemw4t wrote

May I suggest you look into the indie scene if you haven't / are interested, lots of amazing games that you can get through in 10-12 hours, most of my steam library these days are all indie titles.


No_Step_0n_Snek OP t1_jaen3dj wrote

I did enjoy Cuphead a whole lot. Still can’t beat it, but it’s some of the most fun my wife and I have had playing together.


IforgotwhatIwasdoing t1_jaennru wrote

Fuck dude. I've got a couple dozen games I'll never pick back up because I don't remember the controls. But I remember the story too well to play through it again. I can't remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday, but 10 years later I can remember the plotline of most games I played.


virtualpig t1_jaem9rq wrote

Why is this a foreign concept to some people? You play games to have fun, when you stop having fun you move on. I've seen this sentiment a couple times and it's kinda upsetting.


justxkyle t1_jaemfgn wrote

I was just asking? From my perspective it's like watching 3 out of 4 acts of a movie, you miss out on the best part.


AeuiGame t1_jaeo5u3 wrote

Not all games are actually trying to tell a meaningful story. Honestly feels like the minority. A lot are really just gameplay-focused romps.


alt123456789o t1_jaem55n wrote

Not all DLCs need the main campaign finished to play them. Just look at Skyrim.


No_Step_0n_Snek OP t1_jaembth wrote

Good point! I think the last DLC I bought was zombies in Red Dead Redemption. That was amazing.


justxkyle t1_jaemn94 wrote

That's gotta be one of the best DLCs to ever exist, hardly even a DLC in my eyes, just a big side mission hah


IforgotwhatIwasdoing t1_jaend6n wrote

I rarely want to keep playing a game after I finish it. Dark Souls and Control are the only ones in the last decade that I actually continued playing after completing the main story; though in both cases, it was because I got a version that already had DLC.


ccmg12 t1_jaeq6o8 wrote

You are most people. Just relax and enjoy what you want to enjiy


Mithrawndo t1_jaeu90k wrote

I'd replace really with often: There are times where I couldn't give a crap about DLC, but there are others - I'm looking at you Paradox - where I'm affronted at the total cost of acquiring licenses and know full well I'm missing out on necessary game features without at least some of the DLC.

Thankfully they've introduced a subscription plan, so I can chuck them five bucks for the month I actually play something like EU4; Now if only they'd do it with Stellaris, as there's no way I'm buying $200+ worth of DLC for it when I know I'll stop playing the game after a month or two and not likely revisit it for a year or more.