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ethman14 t1_ja1a4z7 wrote

It was my favorite Handheld Zelda. At first I thought some of the choices were bizarre, but I found that while the fighting and feel were less smooth than Wind Waker, I really liked the more condense ocean feel. The world was big enough to sail around in Linebeck's boat while still providing enough main story islands and fun extra islands that you were never stuck on the open sea waiting for long. Also the simplicity of just drawing the course for the ship to sail and then dealing with treasure and enemy ships was a lot less tedious than changing the wind every 30 seconds. It's a shame the sequel went with trains, because I liked the plot your own course style of Phantom Hourglass. I may complain about the empty vastness of Wind Waker, but at least it let you explore to your hearts content instead of putting you on literal rails.