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DylanCO t1_ja36omg wrote

Gamers be thirsty. Must be all the Mt. Dew & Doritos.


Cleverbird t1_ja3gh3e wrote

To be fair, the game is aggressively horny. Locks look like vaginas, the store you interact with to buy/upgrade gear constantly talks about wanting to fuck you and then there's the ballerina robots (who have nipples, for some reason).

Been quite a while since I played a game quite this horny.


DylanCO t1_ja435p1 wrote

That sounds hilarious. I haven't played it yet but it's on my list.


Cleverbird t1_ja4nb6t wrote

Its a pretty solid game, nothing ground-breaking and the main character is an insufferable prick, but the gameplay itself is solid and the environment is gorgeous.


6Sleepy_Sheep9 t1_ja4mwzv wrote

I have been led to believe that the main robots are actually the PC 's wife somehow?


Cleverbird t1_ja4n7mz wrote

Havent finished the game yet, so cant comment on that. Plus, you shouldnt just talk about spoilers like that.