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RaltarArianrhod t1_jaeow3e wrote

None of them. If I have a crazy number of hours in a game that means I was enjoying it, so why would I regret it? Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the question.


ResponsibleShampoo t1_jaeqmpn wrote

You def misunderstood, you're trying to say all of them


RaltarArianrhod t1_jaeqs4q wrote

Am I, though? It says what game I DON'T regret and I don't regret any of them.


SocialSuicideSquad t1_jaeo146 wrote


Probably poured 2k hours into that game across different mods/playthrough/challenges.

Probably will keep playing it now and then.


Celtic_Crown t1_jaeoyh1 wrote

Darkest Dungeon, Xenoblade Chronicles X and 3, LEAP, WWE 2K20 and 22.


filmmisanthropejp t1_jaer032 wrote

Death Stranding.

I'm a fan of Kojima but getting through this game was a chore. From the bad combat to the overlong scenes of superfluous exposition and horrendous dialogue. It's just so self-indulgent and unbearable at times to get through.


Commercial_Durian149 t1_jaera9q wrote

Wonderland online, the comunity of that game gave me back my hope in humanity


fuck-fascism t1_jaet989 wrote

Civ V. Never regret just one more turn...


Magic_wire_smoke t1_jaethd9 wrote

Over the past 20 years, I have put close to 1000 hours into replaying both Dark Cloud 1 and 2. I've also replayed most Metroid, Shantae, 16bit Sonic and Zelda games to death. ES4: Oblivion is getting up there as well.


Dobbyyy94 t1_jaetn11 wrote

Racked up over 100 days of CoD:MW2 Back in my college days, don't regret it one bit but it does make my envy how much free time I had back in the day to play it non stop 😅


Cuddlesthemighy t1_jaewrlv wrote

Dota 2. Playing it while also following the pro scene was a blast. Went to 2 TI's both times it was an amazing experience. Despite being toxic communities in game the actual reddit community was kinda awesome. Despite the steep learning curve, the gameplay that resulted from it made it worth learning. Even though I eventually left the game a vast majority of the time was enjoyable.


DZero_000 t1_jaey2fd wrote

Metal Gear Solid - Peace Walker and Age of Empires 2.