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minev1128 t1_jac0798 wrote

Mobile gaming is a niche genre to begin with. The business model of mobile gaming is to get as much money from people who play them. I have no idea why you'd pick making games on mobile to begin with.

Also big companies are already doing this by doing live service games which the majority hates.


CanisLVulgaris OP t1_jac12tu wrote

I tried to put my games on Steam, but I only paid the money (100$) and was not allowed to upload. Dunno why.

Mobile games are fun as well. And I enjoy being tasked to make a game which you can enjoy everywhere. I think you can enjoy a lot of the premium apps you can find online. The accessability is higher with mobile games. You can connect to even more people with them and people tend to keep these mobiles in their surrounding. Never saw anyone taking his Game Set Up with them :D I am sad that so many people tend to see mobile games as being something less worthy. There are honest people out there expressing their ideas and artistic nature with these. But in contrast to that big companies trying to find ways to make players pay more for less (Mobile Diablo game, I mean, does Blizzard NEED to be like that? They could have been proven being a game company is not about following the mind set of greed.)

And, this was maybe true in the past, mobile games are easier to create while being on its own :D I am an artist, writer and programmer.

Thank you for your comment :D


minev1128 t1_jac1ap8 wrote

Well I can see that you're passionate and frustrated at the moment. Hang in there.