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The_Cost_Of_Lies t1_jac91uv wrote

Borderlands 3 has the best guns, gameplay and map design in the series, including Wonderlands. It's honestly not even close.

However, Borderlands 2 had the best story and characters. BL3 is not great in that regard, though the DLC is a big improvement.


i010011010 t1_jaccppt wrote

I enjoyed it. Nevermind the story happening in the background, and I never cared for BL before. This one finally felt like the gameplay was refined enough to hold my interest, and I rarely play first-person games.

I picked up BL2 to go back and see if my opinion would change, and it has not. That game is rough by comparison, even simple quality-of-life changes were immediately missed.

The setting for BL seems promising, if only another team could take it over and spin it into something more like a Bioware classic. Would love to see what they could do putting a real story and characters (plus companions) to it, instead of being another shoot-and-loot.


RiKSh4w OP t1_jaca094 wrote

BL3 had the 'best' guns in that I was commonly getting a legendary gun that was just like "Oh, this is a good assault rifle/shotgun". It wasn't unique or required some funky firing style. Just, a lot of decent guns.

But you could have given me an M4 from Modern Warfare and it would have done exactly the same. Just a gun where you pull the trigger and it shoots. All the 'wacky' guns were such a letdown in DPS that it was unusable.