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Zephyr28572 OP t1_ja7hy02 wrote

Not sure if sarcasm or not. If not, it's not about the time. It's about being forced to use a crap launcher against your will when you've paid for the game of the launcher of your choice


Binerexis t1_ja7iu3k wrote

Steam lists on the store page whether a game requires a third party launcher; don't buy games with additional launchers if you don't want to use them.


GreedyDiceGoblin t1_ja7ul5n wrote

At what point did anyone put a gun to your head making this against your will?

You had every opportunity to refund the game on steam and speak with your wallet.

But you didnt, did you?


Rukasu17 t1_ja9gmev wrote

Not to be a dick but said launcher of your choice is still used and it says clear as day that you'll need another launcher on top of it.