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psyduck_hug t1_ja2ax0h wrote

Used to be Tiny Tina from borderlands 2, then we got Tiny Tina's Wonderlands…


FizzySpew t1_ja2rdwk wrote

Lol RIP. It was the only one in the series I couldn't finish. I lost my patience with the story within the universe after dealing with BL3.


psyduck_hug t1_ja30on9 wrote

This is what happens when fans grew up, but the dev didn’t.


Shittybuttholeman69 t1_ja4eqy1 wrote

The devs didn’t just not grow with their audience they became progressively more juvenile with every entry.


HurricaneKat16 t1_ja4ht6c wrote

I’ve been struggling to get through it. I find I just don’t care about the story enough to pay attention so I listen to music and mindlessly go shooting stuff. I wish I liked it more 🙃