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Derp0189 t1_ja5xzyo wrote

Reply to comment by Derp0189 in Need some advice. by Col_Angus999

Well, I'm a lot closer to your age than your kids (34), but when I was their age I was just starting to get into more 'complex' computer games like RTS/RPG genres. I got my dad into some games like Stonghold and Star Wars Battlegrounds (AoE Spinoff), and we would LAN Party at home sometimes which was a cool bonding thing. He helped me build my first couple gaming PCs and then later I would build on my own and give him the "outdated" one lol.

I had older brothers and started playing games at a VERY young age (DOS, Windows 3.1/95/98).

Anyways... I currently run Xbox series X and Linux PC. Both recent, was on PS4 before that. Best recommendation would be to do a PC build project with them and let them use it for gaming and to learn, but if that's not in your budget I get it. Second up, I'd probably go Xbox with Game Pass ($15/mo). I get bored with game pass sometimes but there is usually a decent rotation of stuff to play for all ages.


Chilibo t1_ja603fw wrote

Ohhh you had me at linux. You game on linux? What's in the box? (System)


Derp0189 t1_ja62unv wrote

Hope I don't disappoint lol. Honestly I tried linux like 15 years ago and just wasn't for me (Ubuntu). But it seemed to have come a long way with Proton, Wine, Steam etc. So this is me giving it another shot.

Running an AMD Ryzen 5 on ASUS TUF Mobo with a GeForce 1080 ti my buddy upgraded from. Running Mint Cinnamon right now, playing Linux friendly games like Northgard, DOS2, DOTA2, with occasional Gloomhaven or Valheim. Only had this rig about a year.

What about you?


Chilibo t1_ja79hss wrote

Oh nothing that awesome. I usually take whatever I can find, piece it together just to get something running. Gaming in Linux I have not tried too heavily. I currently have a beefy windows bot that I can have multiple virtual machines running. More of a home lab scenario.


Chilibo t1_ja61nkw wrote

Fuck that shyt. Trying to config IRQ's for sound was a damn nightmare sometimes.