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QuestionablyRight t1_jefbdcd wrote


Nothing ground breaking nothing revolutionary. Sub standard game play.

The TV show barely has any infected in it as well. Its not terrible it's just so damn average. I'll never understand it


your_favorite_wokie t1_jefcphh wrote

It's definitely a fine game but fans of it treat it as the best game that ever existed.

They also hate the sequel and sent death threats to women associated with it 🤡


Sweaty_Recipe_8772 t1_jefd3wf wrote

100% agree. The story isn't bad but it's just another basic zombie story. Plus the gameplay is petty meh.


NorthCrazy8460 t1_jefmrh3 wrote

i totally agree. it’s completely fine as a game but for me the hype is unfounded.


skinnyfamilyguy OP t1_jefbyh0 wrote

That’s Sony stans for you I suppose.

I plan on playing tlou on pc once the port isn’t bugged to hell
