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GameRobodrone t1_jefggu9 wrote

>Its solid sci-fi but

Interesting. Maybe you can name a couple of games with the plot better and more thorough than ME?


ElephantGlum t1_jefjnza wrote

If you're asking about games in general; Dragon Age, The Witcher 3 and Disco Elysium all come to mind. I feel like those three games deliver more compelling story, characters, worlds and play with tropes related to their respective genres in much more creative ways than ME does.

However, if you're asking me for games that are specifically in the sci-fi rpg genre, I'm admittedly drawing some blanks rn. Like maybe KOTOR? But even then that's so heavily based in the greater Star Wars lore that I think I'd give the nod to ME. Mass Effect is kind of the gold standard sci-fi RPG game. But I think that could be due to the fact that the Sci-fi rpg genre hasn't been as popular or as explored as Fantasy rpgs.


EtheusRook t1_jefpws0 wrote

I don't agree with Dragon Age. There was exactly one good Dragon Age game, and even it wasn't better than ME2.


ElephantGlum t1_jeftsb5 wrote

I should of specified Dragon Age 1, because yes I agree with you 2 & 3 were mediocre at best.

As to it being better than ME2, I think that's pretty subjective. I've probably enjoyed ME2 more than DA 1 and have played ME2 more than DA1. If I'm comparing the two objectively, I maintain that DA1 has a more interesting story, your player character interacts with the world in a much more fun and dynamic way, DA1 plays with some common fantasy tropes in interesting ways (especially for a fantasy RPG of that time). The characters/companions are probably pretty comparable. Gameplay is way too different to really compare.

I still stand by my statement that people overrate ME's story content.