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EtheusRook t1_jefpws0 wrote

I don't agree with Dragon Age. There was exactly one good Dragon Age game, and even it wasn't better than ME2.


ElephantGlum t1_jeftsb5 wrote

I should of specified Dragon Age 1, because yes I agree with you 2 & 3 were mediocre at best.

As to it being better than ME2, I think that's pretty subjective. I've probably enjoyed ME2 more than DA 1 and have played ME2 more than DA1. If I'm comparing the two objectively, I maintain that DA1 has a more interesting story, your player character interacts with the world in a much more fun and dynamic way, DA1 plays with some common fantasy tropes in interesting ways (especially for a fantasy RPG of that time). The characters/companions are probably pretty comparable. Gameplay is way too different to really compare.

I still stand by my statement that people overrate ME's story content.